The CEO Teacher Podcast
The CEO Teacher Podcast
Kayse Morris
Your One Thing
14 minutes Posted Mar 2, 2020 at 11:18 am.
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Show notes

What if I told you that your life could be easier than ever before? What if I said that all of this chaos that’s going on right now could be rectified by changing the way that you’re viewing everything? Here’s the deal: your planner is missing you up. We all want similar things in life; we want to accomplish what we need to get done. But the truth is, extraordinary things can happen when we can narrow our focus.


If you know me, you know how much I love books. When I started reading The One Thing by Gary Kellar, I’ll be completely honest: I thought it was kind of cheesy. But the more I read, it completely changed my life! I cannot wait to share the things that I learned from this book and why you need to shift your focus to the one thing each day. This episode goes hand in hand with the Batchworking episode, so make sure you go listen to that episode here first! 


In this episode, you will learn:

  • How The One Thing completely changed the game for me
  • The six lies that you are telling yourself 
  • Why you don’t need to do #allthethings
  • Why being great at one thing each day will make you feel like a million bucks
  • How “the one thing” method can look in all areas of your life


Links Mentioned: 

Batchworking in the New Year episode

The One Thing

7 Habits of Highly Effective People

The Power of Habit

Atomic Habits

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