The CEO Teacher Podcast
The CEO Teacher Podcast
Kayse Morris
Teacher Instagram Strategies with Tyler McCall
41 minutes Posted Feb 18, 2020 at 9:00 pm.
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Show notes

I am SO excited to have my good friend Tyler McCall on the podcast today. Let me tell you, you are in for a treat today. Tyler shares his best Instagram tips for sharing your story, how you use your skills as a teacher to translate into a digital product, and so much more! 

Tyler J. McCall is an Instagram and social media marketer, strategist, and coach for creatives and online business owners. He teaches his students how to use Instagram with intention to grow their community online and grow their business. Tyler focuses on using Instagram and social media to tell stories, build relationships, and convert followers to fans, drawing from his 10 years of experience in non-profit marketing and management and community organizing. He’s taught thousands of entrepreneurs and managed dozens of Instagram accounts since getting into the online marketing game in 2015. Tyler is based in Asheville, North Carolina, where he lives with his partner Eric. When he’s not coaching or teaching, Tyler enjoys Target runs and road trips…that he documents on his Instagram Stories.

Get ready to learn and laugh with Tyler! He does not disappoint! 


In this episode, you will learn:

  •  How Tyler transitioned from the non-profit world to owning his own 7-figure online business
  •  How to create your signature story for Instagram
  •  Why your follower count doesn’t really matter
  •  Why Tyler chose to create a membership in his business and how it can translate into your teacher business
  • How to know what topic to use for your course or membership

Links Mentioned: 

The One Thing by Gary Kellar

Connect with Tyler: 

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