The Catholic Family Podcast
The Catholic Family
David and Allyson
via Podcasts
Amazing Values and Focused Family
It's great to hear the boys and balancing act that is required to balance a healthy Catholic family while homeschooling, zero based budgeting, active in Boy Scouts (or Cub Scouts for us), and being active in your parish. This podcast fits our family as well, and it helps to hear the methods that have helped in all these situations. Thank you!
The catholic family
Great podcast! So glad there are new episodes to listen to.
Lovin this Catholic Family!!
I love to listen to their slice of Catholic life!! So fun!! I wish I could live in the country with chickens and homeschool my babies!! I love the GREEN ideas too and hearing from the kids. They are a wonderful example of a Catholic family!! This podcast is the perfect mix of family & faith. Always excited to hear from them.
Sammy Zoo
Not what I expected by having "Catholic" in its title
May God bless this well intentioned couple! They seem to be great parents with many good things to share but i was expecting a more Christ centered message that encouraged families to a fuller relationship with our Lord JesusChrist and a deeper understanding of our faith. Its entertaining but in my eyes not faith centered. They seem to be Catechised and involved in church activities but they dont seem well Evangelized! I was hooked on EWTN catholic podcasts and decided to search for other catholic podcasts and found this one but im not to sure if it should have Catholic on its title. Taking off The word "Catholic" may even give them a broader audience. Maybe im wrong since i only listened to a few of their podcasts. My best wishes for them!
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Serious Catholic
Interesting show!
Thanks for sharing your wisdom. Very helpful with lots of advice.
Great family podcast
David and Allyson provide great information and real life examples about what is it like to be a home-schooling Catholic family. I've definitely learned a lot about teaching the faith to my children from their show. They are also passionate about green living and pass new tips and ideas on to listeners. Great show!
Listener for life
I have been listening to the catholic family since the I like Ike podcast. I really enjoy the dynamic of David and allyson( sorry if spelled wrong). They bring a fun, happy, and Educational perspective to the catholic faith and family life.
Awesome for Catholic Parents!
Awesome podcast! I love listening to this and learning more about Catholic parenting, especially living in the non-Catholic Bible Belt! Thanks for a great program!
Highly Recommend for Catholic Families
I am looking for more media that is Catholic Family friendly. Check out the Catholic Family Podcast #100 - most excellent. I am recommending the Catholic Family Podcast to Catholic Families in my priestly ministry. God bless! PxEACE!
Genuine Family!
Such a refreshing podcast... The Sweeney family lets us journey along as they raise their beautiful family in a very Catholic Christian way, and give us a few laughs along the way.
Dee F
Great Show! Faith, Family, and Fun!
David and Allyson produce a great show. It is fun and entertaining... a look inside a down-to-earth Catholic family. Are you looking for fun? Inspiration for your own family? Want to grow in your faith? Check out The Catholic Family Podcast!
Jeff Young
Good Show!
I look forward to future episodes.
The show is fun and entertaining. You learn about the Catholic Faith and you are not bored! You feel like part of the Sweeney household.
A Family for Everyone
The Sweeney's are the Everyfamily for Catholic families. There's always going to be something you can relate to and enjoy from their podcast. And any family that can knock out 100 podcasts just shows that families can do anything if they do it together! Great job David and Allyson and crew!
I have been listening to David and Allyson (and the kids) for about 6 months now. It has been just about 2 months that my 7 and 3 year old want to listen every morning on the way to school. The hit podcast was "A Reading from the Book of Deuteronomy". My second grader shared that story at school and his teacher (a cathloic school nun) could not stop laughing. Thanks for the laughs, stories, and great words of wisdom
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another great podcast
unassuming & "earthy"; my son loves this p-cast
Catholic Podcast that never gets dull
Hearing the segments done by the children of this catholic family is what really makes this podcast stand out. With kids, life can never get dull, and as a result, neither does this podcast. I look forward to their new adventures every week. My wife and daughter listen along with me.
Michael Vinca
Great family, great podcast!
David & Allyson serve out entertaining slices of real life for an active, faithful family in concise segments. They even include children's book their children!
catholic in a small town