The Called Podcast Podcast

The Called Podcast

Touré Roberts
From best-selling author, successful businessman, accomplished producer, sought-after speaker, and serial humanitarian Touré Roberts comes The Called Podcast. With conversations that are straight to the point and easy to digest, listeners will gain a distinct edge in their industry, career, endeavor, and calling. Whether an entrepreneur, professional, creative, or individual searching for tips, strategies, and fresh ideas, The Called Podcast is the dynamic growth and development resource that will equip you with powerful and practical tools for your journey to greatness.
Ask & You Shall Succeed - How Asking Can Change The Trajectory of Your Venture
If you want to thrive in both business and life, mastering the art of asking is key. Many of us hesitate to ask, fearing the answer will be "no". But the real fear should be not asking at all—and missing out on what could have been yours.   Asking is an intentional process—it requires thought, timing, and preparation before taking action. In today’s episode, I’ll walk you through 10 essential things to consider when making your request. Called Leaders, there are “yeses” waiting for you on the other side of your ask. ASK and you shall succeed.   Don’t forget to share, rate, and review. Subscribe now to never miss an episode, and remember, you’re not random, you’re Called! Learn more at
Feb 3
27 min
Building Empires on Trust - Why Relationships Matter in Business
In business, people often invest based on the level of their trust. When trust is present, things move faster, people are more committed, and problems are solved with greater ease. Today, I’ll provide you with some tools on how to be a highly trusted individual, and how to recognize other high trust individuals so that you and your business can grow to its full potential.  Family, don’t forget to share, rate, and review. Subscribe now to never miss an episode, and remember, you’re not random, you’re Called! Learn more at
Jan 27
29 min
The Mindset That Turns Big Dreams Into Big Wins
In this week’s episode, we’re diving into the power of faith and imagination—two divine gifts that are essential to your success.   Faith is more than just optimism; it’s the mindset and foundation you must have for everything you’re building. Imagination, however, is different. It’s a divine gift that allows you to see beyond your present to create the future God has already placed within you.   It’s our responsibility to place ourselves in environments that not only cultivate our faith, but also give our imagination the freedom to stretch to the size of our vision. In this season, you’ll need faith, imagination, and vision to reach new heights, and in today’s episode, I’m going to unpack that for you.   Family, don’t forget to share, rate, and review. Subscribe now to never miss an episode, and remember, you’re not random, you’re Called! Learn more at
Jan 20
27 min
Unlocking 2025 - Why Teams, Tools, & Training Matter
Happy New Year, Called Family! I’m excited to kick this year off by helping you Unlock Your 2025. In today’s episode, we’ll focus on mastering the Three T’s: Team, Tools, and Training.    Here’s the truth: none of this matters without vision. Your vision is your roadmap, and without it, choosing the right people and resources to fulfill your calling becomes a challenge.   In this episode, I’ll share practical insights on how to build your dream team, discover tools that will maximize your efficiency, and explore the right training to help you grow both personally and professionally. Every step you take toward growth is a step closer to the success God has for you. Your calling is waiting—it's time to take action!   Family, don’t forget to share, rate, and review. Subscribe now to never miss an episode, and remember, you're not random, you're Called! Learn more at
Jan 13
30 min
Is Fear Affecting Your Bottom Line?
Called Family! In this week’s episode, I want to touch on the fierceness that’s required for you to carry out your calling. It’s important to note that fierceness isn’t synonymous with arrogance. It is an understanding that what is for you must be seized, no matter what!   In life, it’s normal to experience rejections, closed doors, and “no’s” when you’re after something. But when you believe in what God has called you to do, the “no” can’t stop you because you have an inner knowing that you are eternally and divinely accepted.   In order to reach new heights, you must remember that every “no” leads you closer to the yes that can radically change your life!   Family, don’t forget to share, rate, and review. Subscribe now to never miss an episode, and remember, you're not random, you're Called! Learn more at
Nov 4, 2024
22 min
Normalizing Risk: The Entrepreneur's Superpower
Called Family! I've missed you all tremendously! I have some prophetic entrepreneurial insights I wanted to share with you that couldn't wait until the next official season.    As we’re getting closer to finishing out 2024, many of us are eager to get to the new year. But what if told you, you don't have to wait until January to do the thing God is calling you to do. Now is the time to sow. This week I wanted to drop a special episode to remind you that the thing you’ve been hesitant to start is worth the risk.   The greatest risk you’ll ever take in life is not taking one - because as the old saying goes “where there is no risk, there is no reward”.    Don’t forget to share, rate, and review. Subscribe now to never miss an episode, and remember, you're not random, you're Called! Learn more at
Oct 24, 2024
23 min
The Most Valuable Thing You Possess
We all place value on different things. Some people place it on their professional success, while others may place it on building a family. Regardless of what you deem most important, the one thing we all possess that is the most valuable is our name.  This week, I want to delve into the importance of a name. What do people think when they think of you? What do potential investors or business partners say about you when you're not around? Does your name precede you well, or does it deter people from wanting to do business with you? You can have all the success in the world, but if you have a tarnished name, in reality, you have nothing. Your name can be your professional calling card, and today, I want to help you ensure that your name holds value.  Family, I want you to be your absolute best, both personally and professionally. If you missed Called to Illuminate, I have some great news! The virtual replay is available now, and if you register today, you'll receive videos from every session for $49. Go to to register today, because early bird pricing will expire on Friday.  Don’t forget to share, rate, and review today’s episode. Subscribe now to never miss an episode. And remember, you're not random, you're Called! Learn more at
May 27, 2024
24 min
If You’re Not Doing This, You’re Losing Money
Called Leaders! I am thrilled to be back for this week’s episode. We just wrapped up our Called to Illuminate Conference in Los Angeles this past Friday and Saturday and we had a powerful time filled with enlightening sessions, stellar speakers, and impactful networking.  This week, I want to share some things that may be causing you to lose money if you’re not doing them. Proverbs 27 talks about the importance of knowing the state of your flocks. In business, no matter how successful your enterprise may be, it’s important to know the condition of your business and create structure that allows you to have longevity.  Family, if you weren’t able to make it to The Called, I have some exciting news for you. We’ll have a replay available soon and we’ll be sure to share the details with you as soon as they’re available. Don’t forget to share, rate, and review today’s episode. Subscribe now to never miss an episode. And remember, you're not random, you're Called!
May 20, 2024
23 min
Is Your Hunger Working Against You?
In business, when you are trying to scale, people will often say that it's not just about what you know, but who you know. However, adopting this mindset can sometimes lead to a sense of desperation that is easily spotted by successful leaders. As we continue our series, "Business Wisdom Through the Scriptures," I want to pose to you this question: "Is Your Hunger Working Against You?" In today's episode, we'll delve into Proverbs 23:1-4. These verses advise us to be wise in our interactions with influential people, and to not let our being “hungry” get the best of us. While it's imperative to assess the value of potential investors or business partners at the table, it's equally important for us to remember our personal value to not appear desperate in the room. This episode will teach you the dos and don’ts of doing business with influential people. Also — Called Family, this Friday and Saturday, the Called to Illuminate conference in Los Angeles is happening, and as of now there are only a few seats left! We are just about sold out for our VIP experience and have a few standard seats remaining. If you're on the fence, take a leap of faith to be in the room. We'll be sharing practical tools, business wisdom, and insights to equip you along your entrepreneurial and leadership journey. Register now at Don’t forget to share, rate, and review today. Subscribe now to never miss an episode. And remember, you're not random, you're Called!
May 13, 2024
17 min
The Most Profitable Day of the Week
As leaders, each day of the week holds a different meaning for us all. Mondays typically motivate us to start the week strong and full of productivity, while Fridays may be a bit slower as many of us begin to prepare for a weekend of events or business travel. Regardless of the day, every day carries a weight of its own. However, there is one day that is most profitable when utilized correctly and consistently. Today, I'll provide more insight into the day I'm referring to and explain how beneficial it can be when you prioritize it weekly. Family, we are just weeks away from Called to Illuminate! I'm excited to announce that we have partnered with Microsoft to bring you some amazing giveaways and resources. We'll be giving away 30 entry-level tickets to business and non profit leaders. If that's you and you want a chance to quality for a complimentary ticket to Called to Illuminate - fill out the form here.  If you're not registered and plan to do so, don't delay because seats are limited. Head to to register now, and stay tuned because at the end of this episode, I will be sharing a special promotion for Called listeners. Don’t forget to share, rate, and review today. Subscribe now to never miss an episode. And remember, you're not random, you're Called!
May 6, 2024
20 min
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