The Broken Book Bible Podcast Podcast

The Broken Book Bible Podcast

Sam and Amanda
Considering the Bible's saintly reputation, it packs surprising gore, horror, and depravity. As well as beauty, wisdom, and tedium. For millennia, the Bible has held Western culture captive to its strange stories of ancient people trying to figure out God.Maybe you're not religious, but you're curious about the Bible. Maybe you grew up in church, but you're looking for a new way to relate to the Bible. Welcome! We're Sam and Amanda. We're obsessed with the Bible. Sam is a liberal Presbyterian who became post-modern by studying the Bible too much. Amanda is a mystic naturalist Unitarian Universalist with Reformed and Evangelical roots. We are wrestling with what the Bible can mean in the midst of radical questioning, faith changes, depression, and self-doubt. We hope you'll join us as we appreciate, dissect, criticize, defend, and generally nerd out about the Bible from our progressive religious perspectives. Where to Find Us Podcast Directories: Stitcher, iTunes , Google Play Email: [email protected] & [email protected] Facebook Page: Twitter: @BrokenBookPod
The Realities of Social Construction: Interview by Micah Redding, Executive Director of the Christian Transhumanist Society
Joint project with the Christian Transhumanist Podcast! of interesting questions. How can we love religion when so many are hurt? How do we describe the reality of social construction? Does Jesus have a personality? What's St. Paul's social media presence? Is God an AI?
Nov 16, 2018
1 hr 3 min
God as Living Liminality: A Queer Nonbinary Theology - Episode 34
Adriaan Dippenaar, director of the Seattle Nonbinary Coalition joins in to discuss how queer identity, queer tension, and queer magic helps them imagine God. God is absurd, and that's okay! The divine does not fit into any clear, clean label. This is what gives God the power to create and the power to live. This power leads us to struggle with the marginalized.
Aug 6, 2018
56 min
Blasphemy: Reciting the Apostles Creed in First Person - Episode 36
If the Spirit of Christ dwells in are hearts, and if we are supposed to be Christlike. . . then the Apostle's Creed is about us.
Jul 2, 2018
40 min
Autism: Finding God on the Spectrum - Episode 33
Sam, who is on the autism spectrum, discusses how his diverse theory of mind has brought him on a unique, exciting, and terrifying journey with and towards God.People on the spectrum develop their sense of theory of mind differently than neurotypical people. Theory of mind is how we distinguish objects and ideas from each other and from ourselves. Which profoundly relates to faith. This journey has many blessings, many curses, and many exegesises of the song 'Moon River.'
Apr 28, 2018
1 hr 35 min
Trinity and Biblical Authority: Reclaiming Truth - Episode 32
This episode was originally recorded over two years ago, and shows us at a different stage in our spiritual development. Amanda, a Unitarian, defends the trinity. Sam, a relativist, defends Biblical' authority and infallibility. As modernism is challenged, new possibilities of truth open up. God can live in relationship. Scripture can serve as revelation. Humans can live after death.
Mar 15, 2018
35 min
Creation in Bondage to Decay: When God cursed the ground after Eden - Episode 31
After Eden, God curses the world with hard child birth, patriarchy, toil, and death. The curse sets female against male, humans against nature, and humanity against the snake. We explore how these curses mirror the evolution of humans and the birth of agriculture. But. Good news. We are fighting the curse. And success is possible.
Mar 1, 2018
1 hr 3 min
The Sentience of the Holy Spirit: How God lives into us - Episode 30
The constant evolution of religious doctrines is an argument for God's living consciousness. The Spirit is sentient! Christianity has too often shunted the Holy Spirit to the corners of our canon, as sort of the third wheel of the Trinity. But the Spirit is where we may most actively perceive God as an active living agent in our lives.
Feb 15, 2018
26 min
More Mailbag: Bible TV Shows, the Qur'an, and Empire - Episode 29
We answer more listener questions! How does the Spirit move and change through time? How should Christians approach the Qur'an? If we could make a Bible TV show, what book would we choose? And is America the new Roman Empire? Also, what does it mean to love our enemies?
Feb 1, 2018
35 min
Forgetting the Gospel: The New Testament as Tragedy - Episode 28
Jesus Christ flips. He is the anti-emperor who becomes the symbol of empire. He resists all elements of power, and then becomes the all powerful. He is the incarnation that eventually rejects humanity. What Jesus stands for in the Bible versus what Jesus comes to represent makes the New Testament one of the saddest books ever written.
Dec 31, 2017
52 min
Mailbag Episode: Propecy, Song of Songs, and What would you ask the Historical Jesus? - Episode 27
Listener questions we consider - What is your favorite and least favorite book of the Bible? What would you ask Jesus (historical Jesus) if you had the chance? Do you know anything about Song of Songs? I've heard some interpret it a source a metaphor about the relationship btw Yahweh and Israel, but that seems strange. If you could become friends with someone from the Bible or a biblical author, who would it be and what would your friendship look like?
Oct 9, 2017
33 min
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