The Breakdown with Shaun King
The Breakdown with Shaun King
The North Star
Ep. 7 - NYPD’s Chief Surgeon Lies & Says Eric Garner Was Never Even Choked
22 minutes Posted Apr 8, 2019 at 9:35 am.
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In today’s episode of The Breakdown, Shaun King explains the outrageous conclusion by the Chief Surgeon of the NYPD that Eric Garner was never actually choked – in  spite of over 100 million people seeing the video of Garner clearly being choked to death by  Officer Daniel Pantaleo. Five years later, it’s outrageous that this case is still being investigated.  It’s simple. And the people who could actually do something about it lack the political courage  and will to do so. Today Shaun also has action items that we can all take together.

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