The Big Picture Podcast
The Big Picture Podcast
The Big Picture Podcast
via Podcasts
Just listened to the Oscar show. Really whiny and uninteresting. Consistently negative, but added no nuance or interesting discussion. At one point, Amanda says she did not like Jennifer Hudson’s performance because ‘she had never heard the song before’. What? How close-minded are you?
Great podcast
I just listen to episode 1 I absolutely love this podcast. You guys sound so natural and easy. The conversation is great. But you guys have to take it easy on my Tron legacy.
Self indulgence of a film buff
I find host Rich Drees to be very condescending to his female co-host Natasha Bogutzki. He regularly mansplains and acts as if no one has more film knowledge than him. Much of the podcast consists of playing movie trailers at a low volume. Yep, movie trailers. On a podcast. It’s as riveting as it sounds.