The Big Picture Podcast
The Big Picture Podcast
The Big Picture Podcast
Big Picture Podcast: Chatting With MST3K’s Matt McGinnis
1 hour 4 minutes Posted Nov 14, 2023 at 12:54 pm.
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On this episode of The Big Picture Podcast, FilmBuffOnline editor-in-chief Rich Drees and Contributing Editor Natasha Bogutzki talk about the end of the Screen Actors Guild Strike, the proper protocol for seeing famous people out in the wild and some of the films they are looking forward to as Awards season kicks into high gear. Then, at the :30 mark, Rich sits down with Mystery Science Theater 3000 writer-producer Matt McGinnis to talk about all things movie riffing, the show’s current fundraising campaign for its upcoming 14th season, next weekend’s annual Turkey Day marathon and more!
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