The Big Boo Cast
The Big Boo Cast
Melanie Shankle & Sophie Hudson
The Big Boo Cast, Episode 73
55 minutes Posted Mar 1, 2017 at 6:46 pm.
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As you might expect, we spend some time in this podcast recapping Melanie's recent visit to Birmingham, and we talk at length about our visit to SEC Headquarters. I don't think it's overstating it to say that it was a life highlight.

We also talk about the Oscars, the ageless wonder of Halle Berry, texting etiquette, a few favorite podcasts, and the great mystery of why none of the old SEC Wives episodes are online.

As seems to always be the case recently, we have a big discussion about This Is Us and why we all seem to want to feel emotion that deeply week after week. Plus, somewhere in the middle of all that, Melanie lays down a hashtag that's going to catch on like wildfire. Or 🔥, if you will.

Finally, we break down some of the finer points of #oldlove - and how that might affect, say, the way your husband gets to the hospital the morning of his knee surgery. Hypothetically.