The Big Boo Cast
The Big Boo Cast
Melanie Shankle & Sophie Hudson
The Big Boo Cast, Episode 72
57 minutes Posted Feb 15, 2017 at 3:54 pm.
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Show notes

Okay first of all Melanie has some internet issues on this podcast - she cuts in and out at times - and while the (lack of) internet service is unfortunate, I will say that she mines her inconvenience for some comedy gold. BE WARNED, AT&T. We also talk about our ongoing efforts to eat better and exercise more, and as you will hear we are just as thrilled as we can be about all of that.

Also on this podcast: some thoughts on the Grammys, foods we crave the most, how I found myself in an unspoken treadmill competition last week, my obsession with SEC women's basketball, and Melanie's elaborate skin care routine.

Then we tried to talk about books but I couldn't remember the names of the books I've read recently so we'll pick up with that topic next time.

You can find show notes on either of our blogs: or