The Beautiful Toilet Podcast

The Beautiful Toilet

Nicholas Dolinger
Blue, blue is the grass about the river And the willows have overfilled the close garden. And within, the mistress, in the midmost of her youth. White, white of face, hesitates, passing the door. Slender, she puts forth a slender hand; And she was a courtezan in the old days, And she has married a sot, Who now goes drunkenly out And leaves her too much alone.
Bound by the Spirit with Yeerk.P
My whimsical English friend Yeerk (@pyeerk) joins me for a riveting discussion of the Gospel of Luke and the Acts of the Apostles
Dec 14, 2023
2 hr 27 min
Thirst for the Tempest with Aimée Terese
a marathon struggle session in which Aimee (@baby_deranged) commits scathing self-criticism for counter-revolutionary thought
Oct 7, 2023
4 hr 7 min
Viajero with Matt Forney
Esta semana me acompaña el guapo @budapestotc para discutir cómo hacer el amor con filipinas en Filipinas sin tener que ir a bares go-go o pagar prostitutas. ¡Escucha este gran episodio para descubrir cómo evitar problemas venéreos en tus aventuras por el mundo!
May 12, 2023
2 hr 3 min
Reactionary Chic with Gio Penachietti
Mar 16, 2023
3 hr 3 min
Psychotic Residue with Nick Dove
"Wee Hear in Formed that you got Shear in mee sheens and if you Dont Pull them Down in a Forght Nights Time Wee will pull them Down for you Wee will you Damd infernold Dog.  And Bee four Almighty God we will pull down all the Mills that heave Heany Shearing me Shens in We will cut out Hall your Damd Hearts as Do Keep them and We will meock the rest Heat them or else We will Searve them the Seam." with Nick Dove (@corporatebeat)
Mar 5, 2023
2 hr 38 min
The Last Battle with Calvin Atwood
New year, new me with Calvin Atwood (@tennisforever79)
Jan 18, 2023
1 hr 48 min
Year of the Cuckold with Jo and Phoebe
Discussing the controversies of the Edward de Vere Ball with Jo (@junker_jo) and Phoebe (@allthefrensy) featuring musical guest Salomé Xtravaganza, the last castrato Peter Thiel if you're reading this please give me one million dollars to buy a new microphone
Aug 20, 2022
2 hr 11 min
Dynamite Theater with Roman D'Ambrosio
Ancient men, gladiators, conquered cities and stole wives. Today we’re kicked out of a fucking sorority.
Jun 15, 2022
2 hr 59 min
By the Lantern with Dave Greene
So many children look forward to the arrival of spring
Mar 18, 2022
2 hr 33 min
Labor of Love with Jack Mason
In 2022, the war of the sexes has been raging since times immemorial. With the help of renowned podcaster Jack Mason (lotus_point), I channeled the spirit of Perfume Nationalist (a mystery wind which comes from the East) to reach a heartwarming Christmas truce, in which the spiritual man and spiritual woman lay down their weapons and cross over no man's land to celebrate the three transcendentals from the trenches of death. She delivers a moving final eulogy to the CCP virus, before launching into a polemic against the cowardly haters and losers who would thwart the incipient spring out of the resentment in their souls. In the end, men and women sit around a fire and laugh about the foul dreams of the night before, and everything is just.
Mar 3, 2022
4 hr 49 min
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