Do you know who you are married to? In today's topic we discussed the very serious and least talked about area in marriage and learning how to love your spouse through mental health. Understanding the difference between Mental Health and Mental Issues are crucial to the success of a thriving marriage.
Jun 3, 2021
44 min

We equally recognized that being the parent of adult children is sometimes more difficult than when the children are younger and still at home. In this episode, we explore how to transition from raising young children to parenting adult children. Listen in as we have fun but give solid tips on this hot topic.
May 27, 2021
46 min

Today's Topic "Under One Roof" explores on the ever so tough decision of being married and choosing a place of worship together. We explore the many challenges marriages go through and provide positive and compromising insight on how to stay married and be happy while worshiping under one roof.
May 20, 2021
44 min

Today, about 12 percent of American couples are interracially married. Nevertheless, negative social attitudes about “mixed marriages” still abound. What happens when the negative attitudes and comments come from your own family members? Let’s talk about it.
Apr 15, 2021
46 min

Many couples experience that their relationship changes over time due to issues unrelated to the home. This is because the outside affects the relationship. We must recognize the dangers and set boundaries. Anything of value deserves to be protected—and your marriage is valuable.
Apr 8, 2021
46 min

Who’s role is it anyway? While the bible doesn’t apply our modern word “role” to marriage, the Scriptures are clear about the unique responsibilities God assigns to a husband and wife. Let’s look more closely at the two roles and the responsibilities that flow out of them.
Apr 1, 2021
46 min

We know that life can get in the way. Chores, kids, finances, and other issues can put a damper on your sex life. These everyday factors can interfere with both your desire for sex and finding the time to put in the effort with your spouse. So “Let's talk about sex, baby!"
Mar 9, 2021
45 min