What do ballerinas and entrepreneurs have in common? Yes, there is always failure before success, a fall before the RISE. Susanne Puerschel was a former member of the Berlin State Opera and founder of Pointe To Rise, an empowerment society and online business platform for ballerinas and dancers alike. Continuing in the month of Dance Entrepreneurship, this episode delves deep into the psyche of life as a former ballerina and how to gain empowerment for a future in entrepreneurship. Ready to run your own online dance business? Come, let's put on our shoes and pointe to rise!Susanne PuerschelPointe To RisePointe To Rise PodcastKindly share your feedback via Rate and review here Email [email protected] (audio files are welcome)Leave a thought on Facebook and InstagramIf you resonate, connect with me byVisiting The Background DancerJoin the Facebook group and introduce yourself as a member of our communityHost's website on https://jasonliel92.wixsite.com/curatistSoundtrack: Birds - Tyler Twombly
Jun 27, 2021
51 min

Do dance and business ever go hand in hand? How could dance artists maximize financial opportunity by gaining financial literacy? Erin Pride is an educator, performer and founder of The DancePreneur Academy, an online business coaching programme dedicated to helping dancers thrive as self-made entrepreneurs. Kicking off the month of Dance Entrepreneurship, this episode introduces the do's and don'ts of owning an online dance business, and how to fulfill one's purpose as a dance entrepreneur. "It's time to say no to starving artists, but more thriving artists!"Erin PrideDance Boss Podcast@erinprideKindly share your feedback via Rate and review here Email [email protected] (audio files are welcome)Leave a thought on Facebook and InstagramIf you resonate, connect with me byVisiting The Background DancerJoin the Facebook group and introduce yourself as a member of our communityHost's website on https://jasonliel92.wixsite.com/curatistSoundtrack: Birds - Tyler Twombly
Jun 20, 2021
35 min

What was our first ever universal language? No, it did not require speech as there was only movement at the very beginning. Vincent Yong is Singapore's sole Certified Movement Analyst, Somatic Movement Therapist and founder of Danspire International.Concluding the month of Dance Wellness, this episode introduces the concepts and applications of movement studies and somatic practices. Movement is not just motion, it is a mindset. Listen in as we explore why the 'first wealth is health'! Vincent YongDanspire InternationalFacebook page YouTube channelFlow: The Art of Creating AbunDanceKindly share your feedback via Rate and review here Email [email protected] (audio files are welcome)Leave a thought on Facebook and InstagramIf you resonate, connect with me byFollow or subscribe hereSign up for the email list to receive notifications regarding future contentJoin the Facebook group and introduce yourself as a member of our communityHost's artist websiteSoundtrack: Birds - Tyler Twombly
May 31, 2021
47 min

Who do you ultimately serve? No, I don't mean as an employee or such, but as a human being who's driven to bring value to others. When you wake up every morning, ask yourself these questions: Who do you dance for? Why do you dance? If you can't figure one out, consider defining your Avatar. Continuing in the month of Dance Wellness, this episode introduces the business application of an ideal customer/Avatar. Learn how to design your own compatible version and develop an effective means to thrive within the creative industries. Yet to have a purpose for life or work? Come and let's build our Avatars! Defining an AvatarHK Dance Magazine featureKindly share your feedback via Rate and review here Email [email protected] (audio files are welcome)Leave a thought on Facebook and InstagramIf you resonate, connect with me byFollow or subscribe hereSign up for the email list to receive notifications regarding future contentJoin the Facebook group and introduce yourself as a member of our communityHost's artist websiteSoundtrack: Birds - Tyler Twombly
May 24, 2021
19 min

Where can dancers turn to for an interest or career in science? The overarching aim of dance science is to optimize dancer performance and minimize injury risk for the prolongation of one's professional life. Edel Quin is the Programme Leader of the Dance Sciences at the University of Chichester and co-authored the bestseller, Safe Dance Practice in 2015. Continuing in the month of Dance Wellness, this episode introduces the main faculties of dance science and its various affiliated organizations. Ready to research? Join us as we talk all things dance science! Edel QuinSafe Dance PracticeIADMSSafe in Dance International Science for Dance EducatorsKindly share your feedback via Rate and review here Email [email protected] (audio files are welcome)Leave a thought on Facebook and InstagramIf you resonate, connect with me byFollow or subscribe hereSign up for the email list to receive notifications regarding future contentJoin the Facebook group and introduce yourself as a member of our communityHost's artist websiteSoundtrack: Birds - Tyler Twombly
May 17, 2021
46 min

What do doctors and dancers have in common? They both apply the human body as main instruments! Yes, medical expertise can benefit dancer wellbeing in a multitude of ways, but you obviously need an actual doctor present for that. Dr. Filomar Cortezano Tariao is a Senior Lecturer of Dance at NAFA and a licensed physician whose mission is to raise awareness for dancer health through the lens of inclusivity and diversity. Kicking off the month of Dance Wellness, this episode introduces the similarities and differences between the medical and arts industries. We already have doctors who can dance, so here's a call for more doctor dancers! Dr. Filomar Cortezano TariaoWDA SingaporeFeatured research article2016 Singapore Paragames PerformanceKindly share your feedback via Rate and review here Email [email protected] (audio files are welcome)Leave a thought on Facebook and InstagramIf you resonate, connect with me byFollow or subscribe hereSign up for the email list to receive notifications regarding future contentJoin the Facebook group and introduce yourself as a member of our communityHost's website on https://jasonliel92.wixsite.com/curatistSoundtrack: Birds - Tyler Twombly
May 9, 2021
44 min

Is podcasting a necessary medium for the arts? There are already a multitude of dance podcasts available that offer such wide-ranging information, so it shouldn't be a question. My answer is obviously YES, but let me share with you exactly WHY. Not all dancers just dance Extension of the dance experience Vehicle for the arts It is an immense networkHelps cultivate industry leadersConcluding the month of Art Media, this episode discusses the fundamental reasons to podcast both as a listener and creator. More importantly, we explore how podcasting could be the next frontier for dance development. Kindly share your feedback via Rate and review here Email [email protected] (audio files are welcome)Leave a thought on Facebook and InstagramIf you resonate, connect with me byFollow or subscribe hereSign up for the email list to receive notifications regarding future contentJoin the Facebook group and introduce yourself as a member of our communityHost's website on https://jasonliel92.wixsite.com/curatistSoundtrack: Birds - Tyler Twombly
Apr 25, 2021
25 min

Is social media a viable option to build a dance archive? How can one stand out in the sea of information while still expressing a voice? U.S based artist Megan Castro set out on her own fascinating journey and has amassed over 29k followers on Instagram since beginning a little over a year ago. Continuing in the month of Art Media, this episode discusses the rigors of movement research and searching out like-minded communities. If you've always wanted to archive movement material, maybe it's high time you opened that movement journal! Megan CastroMovement JournalCreative ArchiveOnline Dance ClassesKindly share your feedback via Rate and review hereEmail [email protected] (audio files are welcome)Leave a thought on Facebook and InstagramIf you resonate, connect with me byFollow or subscribe hereSign up for the email list to receive notifications regarding future contentJoin the Facebook group and introduce yourself as a member of our communityHost's website on https://jasonliel92.wixsite.com/curatistSoundtrack: Birds - Tyler Twombly
Apr 18, 2021
31 min

Remember when having a journal was actually cool? Instead of filling one up with words and whimsical doodles, how about movement instead? In the advent of the pandemic, Megan Castro set out to create her own version of a journal and has amassed over 29k followers on Instagram since beginning a little over a year ago. In the month of Art Media, this episode introduces the nature of one such project and some of the challenges involved temporally, physically and artistically. If you've always wanted to archive movement material, maybe it's high time you opened that movement journal! Megan CastroMovement JournalCreative ArchiveOnline Dance ClassesKindly share your feedback via Rate and review hereEmail [email protected] (audio files are welcome)Leave a thought on Facebook and InstagramIf you resonate, connect with me byFollow or subscribe hereSign up for the email list to receive notifications regarding future contentJoin the Facebook group and introduce yourself as a member of our communityHost's website on https://jasonliel92.wixsite.com/curatistSoundtrack: Birds - Tyler Twombly
Apr 10, 2021
27 min

We write almost everyday, in every way. Like a dancer, being an editor also requires having a voice that can inspire across all levels of society. For those who many not find the stage all that appealing, the 'paper' is certainly an alternative means for self-expression. Melinda Gaskin is the Chief Editor of HK Dance Magazine, a young organization advocating for more journalistic voices in a crowded dance space. Kicking off the month of Art Media, this episode introduces the pathway to becoming a good writer and how to channel that sense of creativity to a wider audience. Grab your pen (or laptop) and let's find your paper, your stage! Melinda GaskinHK Dance MagazineSpill it or Spell it out BlogKindly share your feedback via Rate and review here Email [email protected] (audio files are welcome)Leave a thought on Facebook and InstagramIf you resonate, connect with me byFollow or subscribe hereSign up for the email list to receive notifications regarding future contentJoin the Facebook group and introduce yourself as a member of our communityHost's website on https://jasonliel92.wixsite.com/curatistSoundtrack: Birds - Tyler Twombly
Apr 3, 2021
31 min
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