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#287 - "Just Wing-it" the up and downside w/ Jim Riley and Rod Kuntz
22 minutes Posted May 22, 2023 at 8:02 am.
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Successful Businesses Start with Successful Relationships.

Join our hosts, Authors and Entrepreneurs, Jim Riley and Rod Kuntz, as they breakdown the struggles and complexities of business in a practical, down-to-earth way that listeners can relate to. Whether you are in the initial stages of start-up, or wanting to fine-tune a multi-national corporation, Jim and Rod give you valuable content to unlock and unleash the potential of your people, your organization, and yourself. The Young Entrepreneur Podcast is the field book Ivy League MBAs didn’t know existed. Join in for mindful, informative conversations that lead you to your next level of success and prosperity. If you have a problem or a dream, Y.E.S. explores next-level ideas, and real world solutions.

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