The Answer is Yes
The Answer is Yes
The Answer is Yes
The Answer is Yes
The Answer is Yes
Jim Riley has had the opportunity to work for and build some of the most successful brands in the world. Along the way he has learned to say “Yes” to opportunities that have come his way. Because of his willingness to say “Yes” he has enjoyed success, adventure, love, and the art of giving. It is Jim’s desire to help you understand how easy it is to say YES to opportunities that come your way and learn through real-life examples explained by his guests on the show. Say YES to this Podcast and follow along as Jim interviews people that were not afraid to say YES to opportunities in business and everyday life.Note: You will also be able to follow Jim’s story of recently launching Baja United Group - A Business with a Purpose. He will touch on his own success and trials as the business grows.
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Available episodes
Typical release rate
Every few days
Latest episode
9 months ago
July 19, 2023
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