The Addiction Podcast-Point of No Return
The Addiction Podcast-Point of No Return
Joanie Sigal
The Addiction Podcast-Point of No Return
Joanie Sigal
This podcast addresses hope and recovery options for individuals, friends, family, parents and associates who have been or may be addicted to opioids, heroin, cocaine, prescription drugs, fentanyl, and want to overcome the addiction. There are interviews with former addicts, stories of having gone through numerous failed rehabes, parents and loved ones that describe the horrors and ultimate methods they have sought to save lives and help. Issues include the changing world of rehab, from 12 step programs to successful and effective alternative approaches to detox, withdrawal, and education for stable life style changes for former addicts. The benefits and dangers of different types of rehab from those that have experienced it. The "point of no return' is when the individual has come to a realization that they need and want help. This is also for friends and family of addicts who are at their wits end and don't know what to do to help the addict. This podcast gives hope and inspiration for recovery. Some topics include: - Where can I get help? - How do I know if my child or relative or friend is addicted? - How do I get someone up to realizing they need help?
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a month ago
April 11
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