Sometimes we just have bad days. It's important to understand that that's okay, and to strive to always be better than yesterday.
Nov 7, 2020
5 min

If you want to be happier, there are lots of things you can do. But there is one thing that trumps the rest. It's easier, provides a much bigger effect, and by practicing it daily, will bless your life significantly. Listen in to find out what this simple trick to being happier is!
Nov 6, 2020
7 min

Focus and productivity are some of the most powerful things we can have. They help us to serve others at increasingly higher levels. Obviously, we then want to have more of them in our lives. Today, we talk about a very simple way you can do that in your life starting today!
Nov 5, 2020
6 min

Lots of people are stressing themselves out way too much over elections and other proceedings. Know that you should not let what you can't control control you.
Nov 4, 2020
8 min

Sometimes, we need to do something for someone other than ourselves. Sometimes the step to the next level of our relationship with others involves letting go of things we enjoy or even fear.
Nov 3, 2020
4 min

Hope is the mortar that binds the bricks of character together. It is the nectar that brings in the customers you are called to serve. Absolutely essential to our lives and businesses, it paves the way for action and growth. Today, we discuss more about what hope is, and how to get it into our lives.
Oct 31, 2020
11 min

Faith isn't just a religious thing. Faith is belief put to action. When you have faith, nothing is impossible, so let's get to working on developing your faith, both in others and yourself.
Oct 30, 2020
6 min

The better people we are, the better we are able to serve others. This episode starts the beginning of a little series of episodes that I like to call The Character Attributes of the Truly Successful Entrepreneur. Stay tuned for each episode to learn how you can continue to level up your personal development.
Oct 29, 2020
6 min

We many times overlook the little ways we can serve our dream customers as we pursue our dreams and visions of changing the world and serving in a big way. Unfortunately for us, this is a huge mistake. Let's talk about it in today's episode.
Oct 28, 2020
10 min

We all could use more patience in our lives, especially given current events. But most people don't know what patience truly entails. Come find out a bit more about patience on today's episode.
Oct 24, 2020
8 min
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