The AD Aesthete
The AD Aesthete
Condé Nast
via Podcasts
I’ve been following Mitch Owens for years and have learned so much from his insightful design commentary. So excited he now has a podcast because he gets the best people and talks so engagingly. Whether you are a novice or expert design aficionado, you always get a new perspective or insight listening to his podcast.
More of this please
In this era of quarantine - please give us more of this precision and perspective on design & architecture. Thank you.
Simply the best
It’s not only the best design conversation podcast, it’s one of the best culture podcasts period.
I cried when Mitchell stopped blogging!
Now he’s back!! Thank God!! He is beyond brilliant in all these podcasts!! Captivating and fascinating! Bravo!!!
Please do another! So enjoyable and informative!! Thoroughly enjoyed!
Lady Broadbent
Another fan
Kudos to Mitch Owens for deftly leading his guests In such informed and entertaining conversation. His own broad knowledge of de Wolfe’s era contributed enormously. I cannot wait for the next episode and the next. AD scored big with this!
Guest at the best party
This is my newest guilty pleasure. Its like being invited to a terrific dinner party where everyone is interesting and someone I want to know better. But this is not simple dinner party chatter — these are informed and creative guests at the top of their respective games. Bravo to Mitch Owens, and to Condé Nast for su h a great podcast! Im hooked!