Tai-Danae Bradley does research applying tools from physics to understanding language models, all under the broader umbrella of category theory. She is also the brilliant mind behind the blog https://www.math3ma.com/
Try out the episode sponsor: http://brilliant.org/3b1b
Sep 25, 2021
1 hr 36 min

Dianna Cowern is the host of Physics Girl: https://www.youtube.com/c/physicsgirl
Try out the episode sponsor: http://brilliant.org/3b1b
0:00 - Intro
0:47 - Ad, Brilliant
2:03 - Relationship with math growing up
9:05 - Thoughts on teaching
16:36 - When students are genuinely curious
22:02 - Physics at MIT
27:53 - Alternate value systems
35:01 - Starting Physics Girl
40:20 - Taking down videos
48:49 - Authenticity on YouTube
53:17 - Advice on documenting learning
59:13 - Giving talks
1:07:51 - Dead or Alive
1:12:37 - Storytelling in explainer videos
Edited by Ralph Crewe
Aug 31, 2021
1 hr 24 min

Steven Strogatz, an applied mathematician at Cornell, is a prominent figure in the field of nonlinear dynamics and chaos, and a widely beloved popularizer of math.
Episode sponsor: https://brilliant.org/3b1b
Brilliant is a great site/app for being more active in learning math.
--- Books by Strogatz which we discussed ---
Chaos and Nonlinear dynamics
Infinite powers
Unpublished appendix about Newton's letters to Leibniz:
--- Other things which came up ---
Strogatz's senior thesis:
His first published paper:
Crick’s paper about linking numbers and nucleosomes with the memorable comment that inspired his experiment with the ribbon:
The 4-dog chase problem and its solution.
For a full solution with calculus, see Strogatz's book "The Calculus of Friendship"
Survey for kids on their desired occupation:
A radical approach to real analysis
Twitter thread on what, morally, a normal subgroup is.
Leibniz formula via patterns from primes
--- Table of contents ---
0:00 - Intro
1:15 - Ad
1:59 - The perfect problem for a high school student
12:43 - Starting the Princeton undergrad
22:52 - The most beautiful proof
26:58 - What makes someone love a problem?
36:05 - Putting lessons online
41:57 - In and out of pre-med
47:05 - The geometry of DNA
58:53 - Using teaching as a means to learn
1:09:47 - Do students like history?
1:18:39 - The truth of Newton and Leibniz
1:23:29 - Archimedes, a true great
1:28:32 - Pitfalls of pure math exposition
1:39:03 - "Morality" in math
1:43:20 - An under-motivated culture
1:51:48 - What's next?
Aug 7, 2021
1 hr 54 min

In this conversation with Sal Khan, we discuss his new project (Schoolhouse.world) as well as the Khan Lab School that he started in 2014.
Sal's new tutoring platform: https://schoolhouse.world/
The Khan Lab School: https://www.khanlabschool.org/
Learn more about this episode's sponsor, Brilliant: https://brilliant.org/3b1b
Visit that link to get 20% off an annual subscription, and to let them know you came from here.
Jul 22, 2021
44 min

Alex Kontorovich is a research mathematician at Rutgers University, a distinguished visiting professor at the MoMath Museum, and Editor-in-Chief of Experimental Mathematics, among other things.
The tweet referenced at the end: https://twitter.com/AlexKontorovich/status/1172715174786228224
Jul 9, 2021
1 hr 24 min