My ranting still bothered by this post made by Rhyd about the WTO protests and intersectionality being this new problem bogging down gloval movements. Serious problem
Apr 16, 2021
5 min

Reflections on "big name pagans", back in the day wto fight against capitalism vs modern focus on intersectionality, and why in amerikkka we cant fight capitalism and destruction of the earth with out understanding intersectionality. Rant from intersectional feminist inclusive heathen before coffee. Please reach out if you wanna collab or have your call in aired on the show like a call in question! Lets fuckin bitch about what rages our fires!
Apr 14, 2021
5 min

A rant about AFA and their white supremacist church in Murdoch,MN. Contact my twitter for resources @nazislayerlady
Apr 13, 2021
8 min

Pilot Episode! Hot takes on starting magickal social justice communities from a cynical heathen chick whose spent a lot of time researching and fighting injustice. A video with resource links to come * Audio qualitys a bit rough I was in the car
Apr 11, 2021
11 min