That Cousin Show Podcast

That Cousin Show

A group of cousins talking about whatever we want!
Podcast by A group of cousins talking about whatever we want!
Weird Facts that will SHOCK YOU - That Cousin Show Eps. 62
FINALLY. We finally got one of our wives (besides Anissa of course) to be a guest on the podcast with us: Alexis Danner, Luke's lovely wife. In honor of having her be our special guest, we decided to play a game where ask random statistical questions and guess what statistical odds they could be..... Yeah, it's weird - BUT, it's also hilarious.... In episode #62 of That Cousin Show podcast, us cousins test our knowledge with some trivia questions that are sure to shock, surprise, and make you think you clicked on the wrong podcast. Feel free to play along and see if you can get them before us! How much time will you spend on the toilet in your life? - 3:08 Americans spend an average of 1 hr 14 mins each day doing what? - 6:04 What body part is the same length as your foot? - 9:35 Americans spend an average of 6 months of their life doing what? - 9:59 How much is the average time you spend kissing somebody in your life? - 12:55 What percentage of movies are Rated “R”? - 14:34 What age & ethnicity would you be if you were the most collectively average human? - 18:39 We all do this on average 4,200,000 times a year - 21:31 An innocent person accused of a crime will do this 43% of the time - 23:13 This will happen to your skin an average of 900 times in your life - 24:49 How many people a year does a vending machine kill on average? - 26:50 Approximately 170,000 people right now are doing what? - 28:12 The 100 folds in a chef’s hat represent 100 ways to what? - 31:08 The longest wedding veil was this many football fields - 31:53 What is the national animal of Scotland? - 32:55 What is the largest known living organism on the planet? - 34:28 What is the global rate of washing hands after using the toilet? - 35:35 How many million U.S. adults can’t read at a third grade level? - 36:56 How many pounds of ice cream does an American eat on average per year? - 39:27 You can also download this podcast and more episodes on iTunes and even WATCH the show on YouTube! iTUNES YOUTUBE Follow us on our social media accounts! FACEBOOK INSTAGRAM TWITTER We do not own any of the COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL played in the audio - All COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL is represented as FAIR USE.
May 18, 2020
45 min
Life lessons for our (future) kids - That Cousin Show Eps. 61
One of us cousins... is going to be a DAD. WHOA. As it turns out, being a parent comes with a lot of responsibility and it's time to start figuring out life lessons to be passed on to our kids. In episode #61 of That Cousin Show podcast, us cousins welcome special guest (and brother-in-law to Luke), Jesse Bilsten to share some parenting insights as he recently became a new dad himself. We reflect back on how our parents raised us and what we thought worked well and what we think needed.... some improvement. There's no doubt that no parent is perfect, but as continue to grow up ourselves, what would be the life lesson we most want to pass on to our kids? Let us know some of your life lessons in the comments below! What is a life lesson for dating that our parents gave us? - 6:02 What is a life lesson for work ethic? - 16:00 Jesse's life lesson: Having the ability to be wrong - 31:30 Would you rather be required to tip 40% at restaurants or have tears roll down your face everyday at noon? - 22:52 What is a life lesson for school and education? - 34:10 Luke's life lesson: Be kind to your future self - 46:16 Dillon's life lesson for parents: Make sure your kid knows you love them - 48:30 You can also download this podcast and more episodes on iTunes and even WATCH the show on YouTube! iTUNES YOUTUBE Follow us on our social media accounts! FACEBOOK INSTAGRAM TWITTER We do not own any of the COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL played in the audio - All COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL is represented as FAIR USE.
May 11, 2020
1 hr 1 min
Would you rather stay in lockdown forever or... That Cousin Show Eps. 60
Anissa Danner (Joel's wife) is back as a special guest on the podcast this week! Since everybody is still trying to find ways to entertain themselves, we figured it was time to play a familiar game: WOULD YOU RATHER... In episode #60 of That Cousin Show podcast, us cousins delve into some odd would you rather questions that are sure to make you wonder why you're listening to this show in the first place... But it's all in good fun. Be sure to share your would you rather questions and answers in the comments below! Would you rather be stuck in quarantine with Jar Jar Binks or Kanye West? - 2:58 Would you rather be stuck in a house full of spiders or scorpions? - 7:58 Would you rather live on a tacos-only diet or have 2 unibrows for 3 years? - 16:39 Would you rather be required to tip 40% at restaurants or have tears roll down your face everyday at noon? - 22:52 Would you rather be an unknown superhero or a famous villain? - 28:19 Would you rather never have to wait in line again or always have a parking spot? - 31:54 Would you rather be stuck in quarantine forever or live normally but die in 10 years? - 36:26 Would you rather be stuck in quarantine with Hannibal Lecter or Annie Wilkes? - 45:47 We do not own any of the COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL shown in the video - All COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL is represented as FAIR USE because we are providing direct commentary on the subject material. You can also download this podcast and more episodes on iTunes and even WATCH the show on YouTube! iTUNES YOUTUBE Follow us on our social media accounts! FACEBOOK INSTAGRAM TWITTER We do not own any of the COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL played in the audio - All COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL is represented as FAIR USE.
May 4, 2020
54 min
The Best Action Movie EVER - That Cousin Show Eps. 59
BOOM! This time it's all about the ACTION! YEAH!!! ........... WHAT IN THE WORLD are we yelling about - that doesn't make any sense??? Anyway, in episode #59 of That Cousin Show podcast, us cousins are still stuck in lockdown from COVID-19 and decide to spend this week's episode of the podcast debating a topic we've never discussed before: MOVIES.... right..... never before.... uh huh.... Nonetheless, we are delving into some famous age-old movie-topic questions that every hardcore film lover has debated. Let us know your thoughts on these famous movie debates: Best action movie of the 80's and 90's - 1:44 Who was the best JAMES BOND? - 8:28 Describe your last bathroom experience with a movie title - 14:30 Who was the best BATMAN? - 23:21 Who's a better filmmaker: Christopher Nolan or James Cameron? - 34:48 We do not own any of the COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL shown in the video - All COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL is represented as FAIR USE because we are providing direct commentary on the subject material. You can also download this podcast and more episodes on iTunes and even WATCH the show on YouTube! iTUNES YOUTUBE Follow us on our social media accounts! FACEBOOK INSTAGRAM TWITTER We do not own any of the COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL played in the audio - All COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL is represented as FAIR USE.
Apr 27, 2020
53 min
MORE Unpopular Opinions To Offend You - That Cousin Show Eps. 58
Time for some more HOT TAKES! We decided to follow up from last week's episode and do more unpopular opinions that everybody will HATE us for... or maybe we're all in agreement and it turns out we have the popular opinion? You'll just have to watch / listen and find out! In episode #58 of That Cousin Show podcast, us cousins debate some random, yet controversial topics that are for sure going to offend somebody out there... But we don't care - this is the internet and somebody is always outraged at something. Enjoy! Unpopular opinions: Cruise vacations suck - 0:55 I'm okay with companies gathering my data - 9:02 Fight scenes in movies are BORING - 18:45 We should ban babies from movie theaters - 33:12 You can also download this podcast and more episodes on iTunes and even WATCH the show on YouTube! iTUNES YOUTUBE Follow us on our social media accounts! FACEBOOK INSTAGRAM TWITTER We do not own any of the COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL played in the audio - All COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL is represented as FAIR USE.
Apr 20, 2020
50 min
HOT TAKE - Unpopular Opinions Nobody Asked For - That Cousin Show Eps. 57
We figured for the newest episode of the podcast, we would offer exactly what the world needs right now: UNPOPULAR OPINIONS that nobody asked for! Since everybody is trying to find things to do to keep themselves busy during the COVID-19 lockdown, we noticed a trending game on social media that listed people's unpopular opinions... so we thought we'd join in on the fun! In episode #57 of That Cousin Show podcast, us cousins are still in quarantine from the coronavirus but decide to upset the masses and share some controversial hot takes on different topics. Although we don't agree on everything, we feel it's important to stick with one's own opinion regardless of any backlash or disagreement... plus, it's just fun to bicker about stupid things some times. You can also download this podcast and more episodes on iTunes and even WATCH the show on YouTube! iTUNES YOUTUBE Follow us on our social media accounts! FACEBOOK INSTAGRAM TWITTER We do not own any of the COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL played in the audio - All COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL is represented as FAIR USE.
Apr 13, 2020
59 min
Movies to watch in QUARANTINE - That Cousin Show  Eps. 56
Since the coronavirus has everybody in quarantine, it's a perfect time to watch some movies and shows! In episode #56 of That Cousin Show podcast, us cousins revert back to the old school days of producing the show remotely from our homes. With practically the whole country forced into lockdown, it's a perfect opportunity to watch some of those Netflix shows we've all been meaning to get around to, including the super popular Tiger King documentary. We share some of the shows and movies we've been watching to entertain ourselves and what else we've been doing to keep ourselves busy during this difficult time. Hope everybody is staying safe and healthy out there! If you want to watch Cody's animated feature film, check it out on Amazon Prime! You can also download this podcast and more episodes on iTunes and even WATCH the show on YouTube! iTUNES YOUTUBE Follow us on our social media accounts! FACEBOOK INSTAGRAM TWITTER We do not own any of the COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL played in the audio - All COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL is represented as FAIR USE.
Apr 6, 2020
47 min
Most Anticipated Movies of 2020 - That Cousin Show Eps. 54
We're back with a new episode to kick off 2020! We discuss where we've been doing for the last few months as we enter the new decade. In Episode #54 of That Cousin Show, Cody and Dillon decide to go it alone and discuss some of the most anticipated movies of 2020. Typically, Cody and Dillon are the like the Scrooge and Grinch when it comes to movies but they do share a passion for filmmaking that shows their love for movies. Check it out! Joker - 2:15 Star Wars The Rise of Skywalker - 4:38 Black Widow - 14:36 Wonder Woman 1984 Trailer Reaction - 19:47 Sonic The Hedgehog Movie - 25:00 Tenet Trailer Reaction - 33:19 No Time To Die Trailer Reaction - 40:00 A Quiet Place Teaser Trailer Reaction - 44:47 Once Upon A Time In Hollywood - 48:42 The Matrix 4 - 52:10 Top Gun Maverick Trailer Reaction - 57:04 If you want to watch Cody's animated feature film, check it out on Amazon Prime! You can also download this podcast and more episodes on iTunes and even WATCH the show on YouTube! iTUNES YOUTUBE Follow us on our social media accounts! FACEBOOK INSTAGRAM TWITTER We do not own any of the COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL played in the audio - All COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL is represented as FAIR USE.
Jan 7, 2020
1 hr 2 min
Our Reaction To HORROR MOVIES - That Cousin Show Eps. 53
Halloween 2019 is upon us and that means it's time to watch some HORROR MOVIES. In Episode #53 of That Cousin Show, we decide to do something a little different on the podcast and watch some famous scenes from horror films. Our reaction may or not be priceless, but in the spirit of Halloween this year, there is nothing better than watching some scary. If horror is not your thing, we also switch it up with some comedic clips... that almost turn out to be just disturbing... Be sure to check it out and let us know what you think in the comments! Oh, and this is probably not suitable for children so uhhhhh PARENTAL ADVISORY. Reaction To "Zombie" - 4:56 Reaction To "The Haunting of Hill House" - 6:46 Reaction To "Teddy Has An Operation" - 9:38 Reaction To "A Nightmare on Elm Street 4" - 12:39 Reaction To "Pet Semetary" - 15:23 Reaction To "Real Demons Caught on TAPE!" - 16:56 Reaction To "The Muffin Song" - 18:24 Reaction To "Garbage Day" - 19:46 Reaction To "Ernest Scared Stupid" - 20:40 Reaction To "The Conjuring 2" - 22:03 Reaction To "Fateful Findings" - 26:51 Reaction To "Enemy" - 32:55 Also, this episode features a partnership with a great company:! Edney provides excellent, environmentally-preferred alternatives to one-time use plastic utensils. We all need to do our part in moving away from plasticware and start using utensils that are better for our environment so if you go to and use promo code "cousins" with your order, you'll 25% off! That's more of a discount than you'll get anywhere else so check out the website and any support you show them is also supporting our show. You can also download this podcast and more episodes on iTunes and even WATCH the show on YouTube! iTUNES YOUTUBE Follow us on our social media accounts! FACEBOOK INSTAGRAM TWITTER We do not own any of the COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL played in the audio - All COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL is represented as FAIR USE.
Oct 15, 2019
36 min
Vacations in Heaven and HELL - That Cousin Show Eps. 52
Dillon just got back from his honeymoon vacation in HAWAII and it was pure Heaven. We've all had those amazing trips to exotic locations but we've also had those trips where ALL HELL BREAKS LOOSE. In Episode #52 of That Cousin Show podcast, we share some past vacationing experiences that made us experience post-vacation blues when we returned and other trips that could not have gone any worse... man they were terrible... and we also talk about times where we almost got in a fight? This episode is all over the place! Also, this episode marks another first for us which is a partnership with a great company: Edney provides excellent, environmentally-preferred alternatives to one-time use plastic utensils. We all need to do our part in moving away from plasticware and start using utensils that are better for our environment so if you go to and use promo code "cousins" with your order, you'll 25% off! That's more of a discount than you'll get anywhere else so check out the website and any support you show them is also supporting our show. You can also download this podcast and more episodes on iTunes and even WATCH the show on YouTube! iTUNES YOUTUBE Follow us on our social media accounts! FACEBOOK INSTAGRAM TWITTER
Oct 8, 2019
36 min
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