TGC Podcast Podcast
TGC Podcast
The Gospel Coalition
via Podcasts
They went woke and sounds like an msnbc production.
So thankful for this podcast!
I’m so thankful to be able to learn and sit under such healthy and Biblically sound teaching. I appreciate the gospel focus and the winsome way in which they teach hard truths allows me to be able to share the podcast with others. So thankful!!
Wide Ranging Topics - I love it!
I’m very grateful for the diverse amount of speakers and topics/subjects that the TGC podcast provides! It helps us get out of our “routine” voices we listen to in our lives, and challenges us to continue learning from a lot of different speakers/pastors, all while keeping an unwavering commitment to the Gospel message! Thanks TGC!
So helpful
I love hearing the various topics that TGC talks on - giving much help and encouragement for the gospel in all of life.
Jesus’ most neglected teachings...
More people & podcasts are talking these days about the things Jesus taught (in the 4 gospels), but there are a few of his teachings that almost never get serious coverage. Several references (EXCLUDING the “rich young ruler”) are made in Luke about selling all of one’s possessions & giving to the poor and then this teaching is shown to be taken seriously by the time we get to the book of Acts (end of chapters 2 & 4). Another powerful & often neglected paradigm-changing (IF taken at face value) teaching of Jesus is found in Mt. 6:24; Lk. 16:13-14). This has been called the “Two Masters teaching”, one being God/Love and the other/opposite one being money. What would Christianity look like, both inside its confines and to the world at large, if these teachings were given much more serious consideration and application? Take a leap of faith and dive deep into these teachings! ✌🏼
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Thank you!
Thank you! I so needed hear this! I was so built up and encouraged as Jen took us to the various women and places in the redemption story to find our strength in the truth promises and character of God in Christ Jesus.
Nice try.
The Gospel Coalition giving advice on how to deconstruct in a healthy manor is equivalent to an abusive husband being his wife’s therapist! Hey hun, I know I hurt you. Please allow me to show you how to heal. Absolute lunacy!
Thoughtful and clear
Clear and Biblical thinkers grounded in Christ as our only hope. Thank you.
10 out of 10
So refreshing and uplifting
The Gospel Coalition podcast, Gospelbound is excellent. It deals with a wide variety of topics and often has thought provoking and informed guests. Collin Hansen is a great host!
Til's Mom
Praise God for The Gospel Coalition
I’ve always enjoyed reading TGC articles and was super excited to find out about their podcast recently! They invite great biblical teachers and authors to contribute to topics coming from a biblical worldview. Grateful for TGC pointing me toward the Bible always!
Inspiring, Liberating, Life-altering🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻😁
February 8, 2021: the sermon by Pastor Charles was extraordinarily good! The Lord has always stirred my heart with the prayer of Acts 4. Initial review, 2020:God uses these sermons to change me in myriad ways! Also, I love the intro and end music of this podcast!😁 Thanks sincerely, TGC!!!
Thank you!
I just listened to the episode interviewing David Wells. It was fantastic. Thank you for your faithfulness.
Nick Esch
The stuff nightmares are made of
I have a ton of trauma that’s tied directly to The Gospel Coalition. This operation did a lot to undo my faith and cause a massive upset in my life that lasted years. Thousands of dollars in counseling bills and a good bunch of actual Christian friends later, I’m doing better, but still am deeply, deeply wounded by TGC. Sincerely, A Proud Broken Wolf
Noel Piper
Thank you for your thoughtful podcast. I am often challenged and encouraged. Today listening to Mrs. Piper I was grateful. We have some similar experiences and her reminders and examples were perfect for my fretting attitude. I was forgetting and neglecting to pray in all things and trust that God has it all under control. Thank you for providing me with the words I needed to hear.
Mendota Mom
Thankful for a place that is speaking on subjects that I pray for wisdom on.
Biblical Truth
I love having a podcast and ministry I can trust. As I am homeschooling my 6 babies the Lord has given me to raise up for Him, I want truths from the gospel I can be reminded of and remember to instill into my children. This ministry does this through their website and podcast!!! Thank you for your ministry!
Gospel focused
While there are so many competing voices (podcasts, blogs, tv, and such) trying to get our attention in so many directions, I’m thankful that this podcast centers on looking at the gospel of Jesus Christ primarily and all other things in life under this one guiding light.
Encouraging & challenging
This podcast continues to give me fresh perspective on unchanging Biblical truths. I appreciate the variety of voices featured and the faithfulness to point us to Scripture.
Multigenerational, Sound, Biblical Theology
TGC has given me resources that have allowed me to grow so much in my desire to study Scripture. The podcast is intentional and covers a wide range of topics and audiences, but all pointing to the main narrative in the Bible - the gospel of Christ’s redemption and God’s plan for eternity. Every time I listen I connect more pieces together of God’s will for humanity and how that effects my living in this generation. Thank you for all you do!!
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Thought provoking and encouraging!
I love this podcast! I listen regularly in the mornings as I prepare for my day and am so thankful for the encouraging, thought provoking, powerful content. I am constantly inspired and really am grateful to live in a day when access to so much knowledge and practical tips is so readily available! I feel like I am a better single parent, friend and employee because of the TGC resources!
Timely and relevant content for anyone who wants to know Jesus!
TGC is the new Emergent Church, funded by George Soros. It is an extremely liberal organization and it’s employees are mostly all marxists and democrats. Their doctrine is faulty (they mock and deny parts of Truth in the Bible) and they elevate social justice ideals over the true Gospel. Don’t be fooled. Wake up Christians! Either you believe the Word of God or not. Please just do yourself a favor and don’t call yourself a Christian if you are a leftist. Call it what it is! There’s no such thing as both.
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Relevant Topics and Gospel-Centered Discussions
TGC has been instrumental to my sanctification and I am really grateful for the thoughtful discussions on the podcast and website. I love that speakers really dig deep into Scripture and are not afraid to embrace its complexity. I often walk away from the podcast with a deeper understanding of the gospel and its implications in my life and society, even if I don’t always end up having solid answers to my questions. TGC has helped me embrace the tension between growing in my wisdom and also leaning on the Lord’s wisdom. Thank you for the great topics and discussion, TGC!
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Vin Dizzle
Thoughtful, Biblical, and Compassionate
Excellent teaching and reflecting on the Christian faith in the complexities of our modern world. I’ve grown in my perspectives and understanding.
Love this podcast. But I just listened to the “why is Christian art often so bad?” And they were talking towards the end about truth vs feeling in art and maaaaaan I was waiting for someone to drop John 4 on em, Jesus himself said the true worshippers will worship in spirit and in truth! But still awesome. Love the conversations that are had, it’s the most important podcast out there.
daniel from summerville
Let’s hear it from the guys
Just listened to the “When #churchtoo hits Too Close To Home” episode— thankful for the podcast addressing the issue, especially the wisdom of church leaders being prepared for dealing with these situations when they arise in the church. Knowing when to involve police, knowing when professional counseling is needed, and having everyone agreed upon a plan of action are all incredibly important topics for supporting those who are facing abuse. I would, however, like to hear from the men on this topic. What are men in the Church called to do to prevent these situations from occurring in the first place? How can men interact with women in the Church in a safe and loving way without fearing being accused of abuse? How can men in the Church step up to protect vulnerable women? We need your voices on this topic too, men!
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Scripture-centered AND modern
Grateful for a podcast that is scripture-centered, and yet challenges us to apply it to modern day social issues.
Hilarie Houghton
Thankful for this podcast
Such a help! Thank you!
What’s not essential to compelmentarianism
I have a hard time understanding why a conversation about complementarianism should only involve men and the decisions that men have to make about it. I’m a TGC fan and a biblical complementarinism but definitely disappointed and something I hope will be considered for the future.
Sound teaching!
Always love hearing from Keller and like the relevant topics that you tackle!
Makes you think and makes you better
The Gospel Coalition podcast features a very diverse group of speakers across national, racial and denominational lines within faithful, historical Christianity. Everything that I’ve heard from them has been thought-provoking, much of it very challenging, and all of it, as you would expect from the name, centered on Jesus Christ and the gospel.
Always informative and engaging!
The TGC Podcast covers a wide range of important topics by folks who really know their stuff. Great resourse for thoughtful Christian engagement.
Listened for a long time but now only occasionally useful.
I hesitate to write a less than glowing review as I have always been encouraged by much of the content put out on this podcast. I am one of what I would assume is a majority of listeners who weekly listened and received spiritual food from this podcast while attending a local church faithfully. This podcast served as a helpful ministry through the week and gave access to some amazing truths presented by top notch communicators. However, I have found that especially in the last year or so, the quality of the podcast has degraded somewhat. Not to a truly unhealthy stage, but still somewhat disappointing. There has been a pointed focus on social issues, an acute silo effect of reformed perspectives, and a overall watering down or distraction of the content from a wholistic and specific Biblical approach. That is my opinion of course and counts for not much. But my goal by this review would be to spur the Gospel Coalition back on to a higher standard. It was an incredibly ambitious goal in the first place, being a parachurch organization. But I have been so encouraged by this program in the past and I hope to continue to see the Word of God expounded and made much of, in its entirety, as has been in the past. Thank you for all your efforts, and for pursuing the maturity and growth of Christians all over the world. I have benefited and grown by your efforts.
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Book Lover 77
Excellent ministry
I love this podcast and all TGCs videos. Great stuff!
TCG has become an apologist for heathen doctrines.
Just as most churches today, TCG is straying further and further from Orthodox Christianity. It focuses on “social justice” rather than evangelism. It defends Islam rather than the Word of God. In particular, the speaker Zane Pratt blatantly endorses the Islamic religion by saying that “Muslims are the most hospital people he has encountered met in his life.” Isn’t Christianity a superior religion? Doesn’t Christianity make a person better and closer to God? Aren’t all non-believers doomed to the everlasting punishment in the lake of fire and brimstone? Don’t put too much trust in it. If you want to learn the Bible, I would recommend the commentaries written in before the 20th century and King James Version. Read Joseph Benson Commentary, Jamieson-Fausset-Brown Commentary, Cambridge Commentary, Geneva Study Bible to get rid of political correctness and cultural-Marxism, a religion made up by the evil unbelievers in this post-modern era. P.S. Read “The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusade)” by Robert Spencer to get the facts about Islam. That is a much better illustration about Islam than the TCG social justice warrior.
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Good For My Soul
This podcast not only equips me as a local church pastor in a hard place, but also encourages my soul to keep going. I pray we see many women and men become regenerate and become disciple making disciples through our efforts! Thanks for this podcast! Chris
one of my favorites!
great variety of topics
This podcast isn’t just for pastors, if you seek connection with God, this podcast helps you grow!
I wanted to add a response to the episode about respecting your husband. One major benefit that I think wasn’t mentioned is a sweet closeness with our savior that comes from submission to our husbands in obedience to God. It is a satisfying soul connection that trunks the connection we in our flesh as wives try to force out of our husbands - so the very thing we crave and demand from our husband is met as soon as we yield it and allow God to hold our hearts with. Every time I’ve yielded that to God, my husband had surprised me with his later desire for connection and closeness and because I’ve already allowed God to fill me that way, it surprises me and I see it as a blessing from God.
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Maia in Seattle
I just found this podcast and I’m loving it.
Gospel-centered for the glory of God!
I thank God for this podcast. It has sharpened me as both a Christ-follower and pastor.
Tim from Colorado
Great podcast
Full of wonderful knowledge and interesting topics.
Instagram mama
Teaching from Gods word
Consistently a blessing
Challenging, helpful, always a blessing.
Great resources and discussions. Thankful for TGC.
Strong content
Always strong content. I appreciate the mix in the feed between talks and roundtable discussions.
John Beeson
Introduction audio
I love this podcast. TGC chooses relevant and timely content to be played on this podcast. The concern I have is the audio quality of the introductions with Collin Hansen. This is the only way I could find of sending feedback to the producers. To compare to professional shows like This American Life or even Ask Pastor John, the audio quality of the introduction speakers is drastically different. Solution to the audio problem: Get Collin a good microphone and a good mix.
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I have loved this podcast for quite some time, but when I listened to Paige Benton Brown’s The BIBLE why it’s not always the book for me, I felt so known and encouraged!!
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