Teaching Your Brain to Knit
Teaching Your Brain to Knit
Margaret and Catherine
via Podcasts
Saddened but grateful
Aloha from me on the Big Island, Today I sadly discovered you have stopped your beautiful sessions with us. I actually teared up and am consoling myself. You ladies are terrific to share yourselves and thoughts with all of us out here. I for one certainly gained so much being included in your programs. I’ve learned about awesome knitters and crocheters. I’ve learned about applicable scientific facts and special places in Humboldt Co. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I’m sad because I felt as though I had met kindred spirits. Both you women really love life and people, it’s wonderful to have a meaningful message coming my way about the love of my life, creativity. I feel so connected . I feel as though I am in mourning for dear friends. So many losses and tragedy in our lives. But thank you for your beauty and organization and dependable podcasts. I’ll miss you two! So sorry to see you leave. No worries. You left us in a positive place. Lots of love to you both. Aloha and knit on…Susan
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Fun and interesting.
Margaret’s and Catherine’s podcast is lovely. They include interesting knitting information, their project reviews and research on brain functioning. The latter is fascinating! Interesting in a useful way, especially on good mental health techniques in this time of the pandemic. Their voices are pleasant, and the segments are well-organized without being rigid. I love this podcast!
Wonderful Podcast
I started listening to this podcast recently and have very quickly come to appreciate its variety of knowledge and sense of humor. I find it thought provoking too. The two ladies make me feel comfortable, as if I am part of a conversation with friends. I will go back to the beginning and listen to the episodes from the beginning. Thank you!
CAPS Grammy
Love this podcast
These two ladies pour their hearts and time into every podcast episode. The valuable to me information they share has me wanting to visit the west coast again and see what I’m imagining in my head as they describe the topic. Tying knitting into its impacts on our brains and lifestyles is so interesting. Thank you!
Always top notch!
My two favorite subjects in one podcast. The science of how your brain learns and creates and knitting! Along with learning other topics about California. Catherine and Margaret have a really nice way of presenting information backed up by scientific studies. I highly recommend!
Spinning Buddy
This podcast has knitting, neuroscience, psychology and best of all, heart. I have enjoyed it greatly.
Happy Hopper Rose
Best Knitting Podcast!
Catherine and Margaret are thoroughly entertaining! Their fun relationship come through in every podcast. Every Podcast features a segment on the latest and most interesting brain research particularly as it relates to knitting. Another segment provides information about the Northern California area where they live. This is a beautiful part of the country and I enjoy their discussions about the Redwoods, the native Americans in that area, and the Pacific Ocean. All this and updates on their knitting, tips, and what they are learning about knitting and crocheting makes a great show. Their voices are well modulated and there is no shrieking laughter or rudely interrupting each other. I have been listening since the beginning and never miss an episode.
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Great podcast!
I love the learning perspective! Makes me think about my knitting and lifestyle. I also love hearing about the area where you live. Thank you for all your work in producing this podcast!
Excellent podcast
Gives you plenty of interesting knitting with other topics that give you something to think about when you knit! Love the information on the actual north coast!!
Knitting for the Thoughtful
I really enjoy this podcast, most particularly how brain science and learning research mesh with knitting. It is always nice to think that this addiction, I mean hobby, is doing good things for my brain and health!
A podcast it's more stimulating than bulletproof coffee
These two gals seem like ordinary Knitter's however what you learn from them is sophisticated, intriguing and a bit life changing!
Podcast Stars
I don’t just like this podcast, this is one of my top shelf podcasts. I am entertained as well as learn so much from the two of you.
Friends you want to have over.
I enjoy listening to this podcast so much. It's like having good friends come over to knit and chat except they know so much more then me.
I love the brainy stuff
Althought I love projects and yarn, it is the brainy stuff that keeps me coming back. Also the descriptions of Humboldt County.
Knitting and science!
Love the knitting content and the science segment is always fun and interesting!
Enjoyable knitting Banter!
I really enjoy listening to Margaret and Catherine chat about knitting and the brain- it's so interesting! Definately a podcast that I listen too on the regular for learning how to be a better knitter through understanding the process better. Science is just so neat! Also, the behind the redwood curtain segment makes me want to come visit :)
I really enjoy learning about how the brain works and how it relates to knitting and everyday life. Excellent information and very entertaining.
My brain is being fed
I love this podcast! There is always interesting information on how our brains work with the knit process. I can't get enough. I could easily listen to this for the whole 10 hrs of my work day..........everyday! I like hearing about your projects. Then you throw a lovely bit of SWAG at us with information on your area. It's a One Stop Shop of information.
Great podcast
These two women discuss knitting (sometimes crochet), interesting and thoughtful tidbits on the brain or learning, and each episode has something about Northern California. I love to knit, and to learn. I also lived and studied in NoCal for many years. This is a great podcast with interesting topics.
Grab Your Knitting and a Cup of Tea
Margaret and Catherine deliver a great experience for the listener as they discuss what they have learned from their knitting, their works in progress, various aspects of learning and brain function as it applies to knitting and their location “behind the Redwood Curtain”. You may find you look at knitting in a whole new way after listening.
One of my Top Ten Podcasts
I love to learn, and their focus on why knitting helps you do that is a great motivater. They have fun on the show, and it is blast to listen too!
This podcast is interesting and the information presented about knitting and learning is amazing. There are many many connections to all phases of learning! GREAT!
So smart!
Wonderful knitting podcast. I learn something every episode. Great content.
Marybeth Kress
Love the discussions
I love the science and neuroscience discussions. And the talk about life in a small town.
As a knitter and educator, I can't get enough of the interesting content in this podcast. I am a new listener, catching up on back episodes.
Great Information on Knitting and Learning
The main reason I like this show is because it makes me feel better about all the time I spend knitting. It’s good for my brain and my health! I enjoy listening to the projects and yarns that the hosts talk about, and I especially enjoy listening about learning and brain research. I didn’t think I would care about the segment dealing with life in Northern California, but I find it really interesting and it makes me want to find similar events or places near where I live. This is a great show and I learn so much every episode. I highly recommend it.
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Really enjoy this one
I enjoy the segments on this podcast, especially the brainy stuff. Keep it up ladies.
Benefits of Knitting
This is one of the best knitting podcasts around! Interesting topics & I always learn something new!
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