Tales of What!? - A Bizarro Fiction Thing
Tales of What!? - A Bizarro Fiction Thing
Luke Kondor
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Come back!
I know you are busy with all your audio delights but WE MISS YOU!
Merhige, Waits, and Gaiman walk in to a bar.
I’ve been starving for a good podcast. I’ve tried so many lately, all of them falling short for my specific brand of “raised on The Sandman Chronicles, with Morphine blasting in the background” appetites. Six minutes in, I was sold. If Tom Waits were to inhale a stale cigar, and exhale that smoke through the fingertips of Neil Gaiman’s thumbs up - whilst said thumbs were wrapped around a cheap glass filled with top shelf bourbon poured by E. Elias Merhige…during a thunderstorm with candle glow and steampunk aesthetic, on a desk cluttered with Crowley and Butcher novels, in the middle of nowhere…. Only that could appropriately capture what transpires here.
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Loved the guided meditation!
Fantastically weird!
I found this podcast about a week ago and marathoned through the episodes. After finishing the last episode of season one, I was sad it was just going to be just a one season thing. I’m super stoked to see there is going to be season two. Can’t recommend enough!
Love it!
I listen to a lot of podcasts, and it’s not easy finding new ones. It’s especially difficult to find new podcasts that are well written, well narrated, and highly entertaining. But... alas, Fools! I have done it! I have dug through the horrifying, filthy trenches of 🍎 podcasts, and come out smiling, tightly gripping a tiny (chicken) nugget of podcast gold! And now... I must away, Fools... to shower & wash off the filth of the aforementioned trenches. While I do so, please talk amongst yourselves... and subscribe to this podcast! Or else.....
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Never has a podcast mirrored how my brain works more!
This is the strangest, most ridiculous podcast I’ve ever listened to, and I LOVE IT! Please please do a second season. I love to put this on around unsuspecting friends/family and see how long it takes for them to ask: “what the hell?”. Great job! Thanks for giving me something to laugh at when I need a break from reality!
Once again podcaster/author creates an amazing and entertaining podcast!!
Pickles nickels
Tales of What?
Horror plots and humorous dialogue. This podcast is a breath of fresh air, a new spin, turning the fiction drama on its head. The demented mind of Luke Kondor & friends, somehow know the right buttons to push and the tight rope of success versus falling flat on your face in a mangled, bloody mess. A definite “Add” to your library of must hear podcasts. And if you don’t have “The Other Stories” on your podcast subscribe list then get on board lest shame & embarrassment rain down upon you and all your missing!
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Great introduction to a lesser-known genre!
Jake ID