We got boys in the basement and boys with books. Fighting some monsters and NOT jerking off librarians. Go big or go home. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our theme was written and recorded by Wendigo ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our artwork was done by, wait, what's this? Well our very own Eric Lee did it! What a multi-talented boy! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can follow all of us on Twitter at: @OurTableTales @TStape03 @EricLeeeeeee @AdamLeezy @Jesus_H_Pharaoh
Nov 12, 2019
1 hr 7 min

While we get back into the groove of things here is the second episode of us playing D&D without Thomas because he was sick(and yes, in the cool way) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our artwork was done by, wait, what's this? Well our very own Eric Lee did it! What a multi-talented boy! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can follow all of us on Twitter at: @OurTableTales @TStape03 @EricLeeeeeee @AdamLeezy @Jesus_H_Pharaoh ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music from https://filmmusic.io "Darkest Child" by Kevin MacLeod (https://incompetech.com) License: CC BY (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Oct 31, 2019
1 hr 22 min

While we get back into the groove of things here is an episode of us playing D&D without Thomas because he was sick(and not in the cool way) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our artwork was done by, wait, what's this? Well our very own Eric Lee did it! What a multi-talented boy! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can follow all of us on Twitter at: @OurTableTales @TStape03 @EricLeeeeeee @AdamLeezy @Jesus_H_Pharaoh ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music from https://filmmusic.io "Darkest Child" by Kevin MacLeod (https://incompetech.com) License: CC BY (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Oct 17, 2019
1 hr 9 min

Our heroes enter a frosty world of secret jelly and sugary sacrifices. How did these knives go missing? What's in the Jelly room? Where is Idina? None of these get answered honestly but keep them in mind. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our theme was written and recorded by Wendigo ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our artwork was done by, wait, what's this? Well our very own Eric Lee did it! What a multi-talented boy! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can follow all of us on Twitter at: @OurTableTales @TStape03 @EricLeeeeeee @AdamLeezy @Jesus_H_Pharaoh
Sep 6, 2019
1 hr 3 min

Dealing with parking tickets, taking naps, and long car rides. Trust me, this is a sci-fi story. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our theme was written and recorded by Wendigo ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our artwork was done by, wait, what's this? Well our very own Eric Lee did it! What a multi-talented boy! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can follow all of us on Twitter at: @OurTableTales @TStape03 @EricLeeeeeee @AdamLeezy @Jesus_H_Pharaoh
Sep 5, 2019
1 hr 1 min

Hospital breakouts, bonding, and therapy(in space) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our theme was written and recorded by Wendigo ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our artwork was done by, wait, what's this? Well our very own Eric Lee did it! What a multi-talented boy! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can follow all of us on Twitter at: @OurTableTales @TStape03 @EricLeeeeeee @AdamLeezy @Jesus_H_Pharaoh
Aug 18, 2019
1 hr

Our Aforementioned Three arrive at the final stop for this midnight meat train before departing onto the next part of their deep space investigation.
Jul 23, 2019
53 min

We're getting DEEP in this one! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our theme was written and recorded by Wendigo ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our artwork was done by, wait, what's this? Well our very own Eric Lee did it! What a multi-talented boy! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can follow all of us on Twitter at: @OurTableTales @TStape03 @EricLeeeeeee @AdamLeezy @Jesus_H_Pharaoh
Jul 18, 2019
1 hr 1 min

A murder, a murderer, a runaway train, and people made of meat. You know what the fuck is up. Enoy ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our theme was written and recorded by Wendigo ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our artwork was done by, wait, what's this? Well our very own Eric Lee did it! What a multi-talented boy! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can follow all of us on Twitter at: @OurTableTales @TStape03 @EricLeeeeeee @AdamLeezy @Jesus_H_Pharaoh
Jun 21, 2019
1 hr 11 min

Today's episode was brought to you by Dunkin Donuts. When we're figuring out how sentient meat got on a BBQ space train we always go to Dunkin. Whether it's a box of 50 Munchkins donuts that we ate in one sitting or the Big n Toasted sandwich that Eric definitely didn't secretly have two of in one day, Dunkin gets us through our podcast sessions every time. The Galaxy runs on Dunkin. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our theme was written and recorded by Wendigo ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our artwork was done by, wait, what's this? Well our very own Eric Lee did it! What a multi-talented boy! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can follow all of us on Twitter at: @OurTableTales @TStape03 @EricLeeeeeee @AdamLeezy @Jesus_H_Pharaoh
Jun 9, 2019
46 min
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