Synthesizer Library Podcast Podcast

Synthesizer Library Podcast

Adam Anderson
Synthesizers. Listen as we talk about how they work, how to program them and the features that make them unique.
Episode 018 - Make A Kick
We're adding a new kind of episode--learning to create sounds. We start off with something pretty simple--a kick/bass drum.
Jan 17, 2017
12 min
Episode 017 - Prophet 12
With glowing lights and and dozens of shiny knobs, the Prophet 12 is a sound designer's playground. Have a listen and find out what makes it uniquely magical.
Oct 25, 2016
34 min
Episode 016 - Bass Station
The Novation Bass Station can be polarizing among synth enthusiasts. Love it or hate it, come hear what it's all about.
Aug 12, 2016
18 min
Episode 015 - FM
Frequency Modulation (FM) synthesis is sometimes daunting to understand. Let's begin with the basics and see what happens when one oscillator's pitch is altered by another's.
Jul 11, 2016
22 min
Episode 014 - MIDI
MIDI revolutionized how synthesizers communicate with each other. This episode will help you learn what it provides and how to get started using it.
Jun 10, 2016
29 min
Episode 013 - Soulsby Synthesizers
8-bit has never sounded better than it does in the amazing Atmegatron line of synths from Soulsby Synthesizers. Founder, Paul Soulsby, joins us for some insight into the world of synth-making on the Arduino platform.
May 3, 2016
18 min
Episode 012 - Moog Mother-32
Explore Moog's first eurorack synthesizer module. Also, an answer for the mystery synth quiz from the last podcast.
Apr 8, 2016
21 min
Episode 011 - Roland RS-09
Discover the beauty and quirks of a classic Roland string machine. Plus, a phase distortion follow up; and a pointless contest!
Mar 2, 2016
19 min
Episode 010 - Ring Modulation
After a quick summary of NAMM 2016, let's dive into amplitude modulation and ring modulation. What are they? What are the differences? What does it sound like and how can I use it?
Feb 2, 2016
21 min
Episode 009 - Oscillator Sync
In this episode, we'll take a look at an advanced topic: oscillator sync. If you've enabled it on your synth but heard no difference in your sound, come figure out why. Or, if you just don't remember what it does, come have a refresher.
Jan 5, 2016
20 min
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