SwiftCoders: Interviews with Swift Developers
SwiftCoders: Interviews with Swift Developers
Garric Nahapetian
via Podcasts
The Then
Time for y
Superb Podcast with awesome host!!!
This podcast is one of the better swift podcasts out there, as a matter of fact, the entire SwiftCoders network of podcasts is excellent! If you haven’t given any of these a listen, you don’t know what you’re missing. Garric is on fire with his topics and guests and it’s really cool listening to everyone’s origin stories and how they got started learning Swift. It definitely inspires me to work harder so I can cross the barrier from beginning Developer to at least Jr. or better. Great podcast and network. Listen to this podcast, trust me you’ll thank yourself for it later!!!
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Chad Rutherford
A must listen
Inspiring and useful! Great insights from amazing professionals
So helpful
Your podcasts are so great and very helpful! By far the best swift podcast I have listened to. Thanks for keeping on!
A great listen
I’m learning Swift in my spare time and I was looking for something Swift related during my hour commute to work. The host is great and upbeat. Gives some good information and keeps me going in my personal goal to become a programmer.
Terrible Audio
It is really difficult to hear the guests on this podcast, especially if they have a deep voice.
Excellent Podcast
I’m glad I stumble upon this podcast. I’m new to swift and this podcast gives me the motivation to continue learning and pushing. One thing I will like to add tho..I wish the guests were People who are new programming or independent developers were interviewed more..rather then guests who are experts. Nothing wrong with interviewing advanced IOS developers.. great podcast keep it coming
Dan vangil
One of the best!
Garric manages to bring in very knowledgable and interesting guests on each week to discuss their Swift journey. As a newcomer to the language it inspired me to learn more about it. This show proves that developing in Swift is for people from any background. Highly recommend!!!
If you're trying to get into iOS and Swift, start here!
Garric has been a great inspriation to many develoipers, new and experienced, within the larger iOS and Swift community. He's established Meetup groups with helpful, in person content and community, and he aims to help others in accomplishing their goals. I've used the interviews in this podcast for my own motivation, and because of that I've created my first iOS app! Thanks a ton to this podcast for helping me find my new passion :)
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Motivating and Engaging!
As a swift learner, the host Geric does a well done job of communicating with his guests in a smooth fashion. The guests that appear on the Podcast are high quality and inspire me to push forward on my swift journey. Thank you!
Wonderful guests and inspirational format!
Look forward to every show and often replay parts/shows that discuss Swift topics I am currently working with or especially interesting guest origin / project stories. Thanks so much!
Great content, hard to listen to.
Please. Stop. Interrupting. Your. Guests. They have a lot of interesting and motivational things to say but interruption after interruption makes it painful to listen to. I've unsubscribed.
Eric Atherton
Great and Inspiring
Garric does a great job of interviewing various developers and keeps the show engaging and interesting. The podcast is a great inspiration as it gives hope to independent developers yet at the same time giving insight into the minds of some of the best professionals in the business.
Awesome Podcast
I recently found this podcast via Greg Heo's retweet. I enjoyed the format and style of this podcast so much that I subscribed and started listening to all the episodes from the begining. The podcast is very insightful and inspiring. People starting out in iOS development should defenitly listen to this podcast.
Every time I am thinking of a question I'd ask a developer appearing on the show, Garric asks it! It is uncanny how he asks the questions that all of us beginners are thinking. Thanks for a great show that gives us insight into what it takes to program well - particularly for lawyers like me looking to supplement our careers. My only concern is when I listen to Podcasts like I did tonight (#10, I think, with Mr. Singh) which overwhelm me a bit thinking that this gentleman's level of knowledge is unattainable for a near 40 year old just starting out! Got to start somewhere, though, and Garric's podcast provides a solid foundation. Keep them coming!
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J and R and kids
Excellent for beginners!
I'm obsessed with learning Swift right now and this podcast is exactly what I needed to know more about the community in general. The interviews can be understood by any person new to Swift thanks to the awesome host with his really easy to understand questions. Two thumbs waaaay up for this :D
Still learning swift. and I've listened to 3 podcasts now. Garric has a lot of talent and passion for swift and Apple, its infection and so inspirational.
Fun Show
Garric is an awesome personality, and I find it very interesting to hear other people’s development stories as well as to get a sense for the local LA iOS Dev scene.
Commander Shepard
Great Podcast!
It’s a great place to get started with swift.
Nice interview
As someone new to iOS development, Garric's interview with an experienced developer provides great insight and valuable guidance. Garric's interview style is relaxed but do not lose focus. I subscribed and look forward to more interviews on this podcast.
Great podcast
I’ve listened to the podcast and it gives me great motivation to keep learning and writing code in Swift.