Sweat Sanctum Podcast Podcast

Sweat Sanctum Podcast

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Welcome to the Sweat Sanctum Podcast. I'm Coach Tom and my mission is to help you find your best self through better health and fitness. Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/sweat-sanctum-podcast/support
SS0025: Embracing The Mind Muscle Connection
The Year is 2020 and gym and fitness culture has us chasing one thing:   SWEAT!   Now sweat is an amazing thing if you are sweating from a killer workout the problem is a lot of you aren't!   We blow through reps, cut out recovery and push our bodies to the brink just so we can leave a pretty little sweat angel on the floor when we're lying down beaten and broken.   We are all guilty of it.   The problem is a lot of the time it's sacrificing the quality muscle gain we are all usually chasing after.   What if I told you some of my best workouts I left dry and smelling like daisies!   It's true...  For one reason alone.  I slowed down and focused on the mind-muscle connection. --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. https://anchor.fm/app Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/sweat-sanctum-podcast/support
Oct 5, 2020
19 min
SS0024 - Stop Working Out!!!
Buckle Up. Strap in. Prepare to freak out. Get your popcorn ready. It's about to hit the fan. Here it comes.  Are you ready for it? I bet you never thought you'd hear me say this..... BUT STOP WORKING OUT! Seriously.  Stop right now. Listen to this rant.  And then - STOP WORKING OUT! --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/sweat-sanctum-podcast/support
Sep 27, 2020
19 min
SS0023: Instagram vs Reality - Adjust your perspective!
You see healthy, lean and muscular guy in the first picture. You see that same guy downing a Mickey Waffle in the next. First thought? I wish I could eat like that and look like you! FALSE. What you see on instagram is usually far from reality - my own IG included.  We post the sexy, fun and interesting things.  Why because no one wants to see a plate of broccoli and grilled chicken - it's boring! Tune in for a little bit about adjusting your perspective and getting a better eye at what's going on behind the scenes! --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. https://anchor.fm/app Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/sweat-sanctum-podcast/support
Aug 26, 2020
20 min
SS0022: 35 Years Old and I Still Have Boys Trying To Fight Me
You ever have an insanely awesome weekend only for a few people to try and rain on your parade? Yeah I had one this weekend. I opened my Facebook Messenger which for those of you that know me is a pretty rare occurrence and saw a crazy message. This dude, a dude I barely know, I never interact with has apparently decided he "wants to fight me". Literally that is what he said - I want to fight you. I'm 35 years old and haven't gotten in a fight since high school, is this a thing grown adults still do? Even better...this guy lives in my neighborhood and apparently has 30 something mutual friends with me. I'm a peaceful, loving and professional person - I don't have time to get into a fight with someone but I do have fifteen minutes to take you on a rant about it! --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. https://anchor.fm/app Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/sweat-sanctum-podcast/support
Jul 13, 2020
18 min
SS0021: The Only Diet You Need
Keto Paleo Intermittent Fasting The list goes on...their are 100s of diets out their and the vast majority are fads!  Fortunately for you I've run my body through the gamut and tried them all out so you don't have to.  Today you get my take on the only diet advice you really need.  As always the smartest thing you can do is keep it simple and I'm gonna tell you how! --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. https://anchor.fm/app Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/sweat-sanctum-podcast/support
Jun 22, 2020
23 min
SS0020: We Are Back! And in the Gym!
This meathead received the best news ever last Friday - Florida gyms were reopening!  Yet I couldn't help but feel a little nervous - Was it too soon?  What will gyms do to protect my health?  Will people take safety precautions seriously?  All of these thoughts ran through my head before I stepped foot back into a gym and to complicate things a little more I'm also on the leadership team of a local fitness studio - so now I have to ask how can we be best prepared to keep people safe? This week I've witnessed some do it wrong, some do it right and am doing everything I can to learn the best from both sides. Still nervous about heading back to the gym?  You're going to want to listen to this one! --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. https://anchor.fm/app Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/sweat-sanctum-podcast/support
May 25, 2020
21 min
SS0019: Two Must Haves For Your Fitness "Routine"
Looking for the edge in your fitness routine?  We all are.  That thing that pushes us to the next level or keeps us in the game later on in life. For me I've learned that there is no magic pill or special formula. Just two things that keep you hungry and wanting more. --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. https://anchor.fm/app Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/sweat-sanctum-podcast/support
May 14, 2020
19 min
SS0018: Train Hard, Recover Harder
You work out hard for an hour or two every single day, should be seeing fantastic results and step on the scale to no progress. The problem usually isn't the one hour in the gym it's the way you are recovering in the other twenty three hours of the day. A vast majority of people are beating their bodies up and simply putting too little concern on rest and recovery.  This stalls fat loss and kills gains.   Here are my top eight recovery methods to protect those hard earned gains. --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. https://anchor.fm/app Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/sweat-sanctum-podcast/support
May 6, 2020
24 min
SS0017 Intensity and the At Home Workout
Ask yourself this question - Is my at home workout not challenging me or am I not challenging my at home workout? If you are working with limited equipment like the vast majority of us right now how can you increase intensity for your fitness level? Today we take a look at the 7 Foundational Movement Patterns and how we can scale each one up to our own fitness level. --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. https://anchor.fm/app Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/sweat-sanctum-podcast/support
Apr 28, 2020
26 min
SS0016: Supplemental Insanity
Opened up the lines for a little QA session on the often murky supplement industry.   Some of the questions we covered were: Do I need protein?   What's the best type?  What's in my preworkout?  And my personal favorite  "what do YOU take?" --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. https://anchor.fm/app Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/sweat-sanctum-podcast/support
Apr 20, 2020
29 min
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