Happy New Year! If you’re already feeling swamped with the ‘New Year, New You’ pitches....take a break and consider a much kinder start to 2021.
Jan 9, 2021
8 min

In this episode, I’m following on from last time in looking at some of the roadblocks that can stand in our way of achieving goals or seizing opportunities. Today I’m looking at some of the things that can cloud our thoughts and feelings, and how we can start to identify and stop this from standing in our way.
Dec 6, 2020
13 min

In this episode, I’m starting to look at some of the roadblocks that may be standing in the way of us reaching our goals. One element of this is considering the part that other people play in this...would you say that the people around you are your cheerleading squad, or could they be holding you back?
Nov 29, 2020
6 min

This week, we’re looking at goal setting. I’ve got some tips to help you to get clarity, get started and keep on track. Plus, I’ve recorded a guided ‘Goal Visualisation’ exercise for you to listen along to, that can help you to get super clear on a specific goal and some of the action steps that you can take to get there (time stamped at 07:03 if you want to catch again later!).
Nov 22, 2020
13 min

If you are struggling with getting into a healthy routine, I’ve got some hints and tips that may help to keep you motivated!
Nov 15, 2020
11 min

Have you ever spent your Sunday worrying about what you’ve got coming up this week? Or struggled to get a decent nights sleep after a weekend or holiday? Well, you’re in good company. In this episode, I’ll be talking about Sunday Night Dread - what is it, why does it happen and importantly, what can we do about it?
Nov 8, 2020
9 min

Welcome to Sunday Night Motivation. This little trailer episode gives you a brief introduction into what you can expect from the series coming up, and a little bit about me.
Nov 4, 2020
2 min