Getting to Clarity: Creating MORE Success With Less Sacrifice Podcast

Getting to Clarity: Creating MORE Success With Less Sacrifice

Debbie Peterson of Getting to Clarity
Do you think that to be successful in your career you have to trade what’s most important to achieve it? Not so! Debbie Peterson, advocate for women in leadership, wants to help you discover how to create MORE success in your Leadership with LESS sacrifice in your Life. If you want a podcast that helps you get ahead professionally without leaving behind the rest of your life, tune in and hear Debbie and her guests share their tips, tools, and techniques to do just that.
016 - How to Have a Life Outside of Work
When you allow your job to define you and take over your life, the price can be steep to pay because it can affect you physically too. Your world can become narrow; always thinking about your job and its challenges create more stress. Relationships can strain, sleep can suffer, and if you have children, guilt can become overwhelming. And that's just the surface of it. In addition, living this way long-term can expose you to serious health issues like depression, heart disease, constant anxiety, and more. So as a working woman with responsibilities inside and outside the home, what can you do? Plenty is the answer, and here's where I'd like you to start. Tune into this episode for 3 tips for having a life outside of work.
Oct 12, 2021
11 min
015 - Cami Gibertini of Hancock Whitney Bank
Cami Gibertini, a banker of 18 years in the Tampa Bay market, opens up with Debbie about tough choices she's had to make to get where she's at. She shares great tips and insights about being a working mother and even how you can deal with the "Mommy Guilt." Cami gets into her "why" for career and shares some tips on how you can tap into yours too. I hope you enjoy this conversation as much as I did!
Oct 7, 2021
31 min
014 - How to Control Anger and Frustration at Work
You've been there. You've told someone why something needs to be done a certain way, and they go ahead and do it their way instead. So now you've got a mess to clean up, and you are beyond frustrated! Or maybe, it's been people who disrespect you, talk over you, or perhaps threaten your role to get their way. I've heard so many stories from my clients, and even though internally, I'm thinking, "Really? And, they got away with that?" The place we always start with our work together is with what we can control. The emotions.
Oct 5, 2021
13 min
013 - Erin Linehan of Raymond James
Join Debbie Peterson of Getting to Clarity as she has a conversation with Erin Linehan of Raymond James. Tune in and hear the conversations around mentoring, having passion in your life, and unique opportunities as a single mom.
Sep 30, 2021
27 min
012 - Polo REO Tate -  Author, Actor, Speaker
Debbie Peterson spends some time with Polo REO Tate, Actor, Speaker, and Author of Deep Dark Blue. Polo talks about her time at the Air Force Academy when the rug got pulled out from under her, and major choices and shifts she made that led her to where she is today.
Sep 29, 2021
30 min
011 - How to Reach Your Full Potential as a Woman in Business
How to Reach Your Full Potential as a Woman in Business Potential is when you have Clarity of what is out in front of you. It's about possibility and your compass to say yes to the right things – and not take on everything! It is what allows you to evolve and grow as a leader and as a person. It drives your satisfaction and fulfillment in what you do. But what can happen, though, is that we play it safe. We continue to play small because then we don't have to risk anything, especially failure. We don't risk being judged or making a mistake. If you've started having a feeling that there is something more for you, pay attention to it! It is a sign from your unconscious that you ARE READY to move to the next level, and it's time to get curious. Tune in to this episode and discover how to reach your full potential.
Sep 28, 2021
10 min
010 - Intentional Leadership & Why It's Important for a Woman in Business
Do you ever feel that your career and life are beyond your control? That there are outside forces at work that moves you from uncertainty to even more uncertainty? That The Universe is having a hearty chuckle at the shenanigans, you are dodging in work and life? Yeah, me too. And that's when it hits me. It is me. I have let go of the reigns of my life and left it to chance, not by choice. Intention guides every goal we have, a conversation we enter into, meeting we hold, and each relationship we build. Everything. And especially how we show up in our leadership role. Tune in for tips to set more intention and become the woman you are meant to be in Leadership & Life!
Sep 21, 2021
13 min
009 - Do You Have to Forgive as a Woman in Leadership?
Do you have to forgive as a woman in leadership? Only if you want to move on! You are fully entitled to get mad, pissed off, angry, frustrated, sad, hurt, or any other emotion that you can think of when someone does something to you that just isn't cool in your book! But, we're not meant to stay that way or hold onto that negative energy. Tune in here and discover why.
Sep 15, 2021
11 min
008 - Why Vacations Are Important To You as a Leader
Why do you need to take a vacation? You may think you know the answer, but let's dive into what vacations really are, what they're not, and how you can take a little time or a lot of time and make it be the reset you deserve. So, why are vacations important to you? It may not be what you're thinking. Tune in to this episode and discover how you can leave work and make vacations work for you!
Sep 7, 2021
10 min
007- How to Survive When You Hate Your Job
Have you ever felt completely frustrated, underutilized, unfulfilled, or blocked in your work? Have you experienced a job that sucks the life out of you? How about consistently dreading going to work, whether it’s in an office or virtually? Perhaps, you’ve also told yourself that it’s a good paycheck, and “I should be happy.” These are some of the signs that what you do for work may not be working for you. But, there is hope! Check out this episode for tips to survive and potentially, thrive when you hate your job.
Sep 1, 2021
15 min
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