Life wants to express itself through you. Really, it does. I'm not sure you know how important you are in this existence of this world. Without you, life cannot express itself and advance.
Without your humor, life cannot bring joy into the world.
Without your hands, life cannot heal through surgery, massage, chiropractic, etc.,
Without your intellect, life cannot invent in industry to sustain the modern world.
Without a person to play the instrument, life cannot make beautiful music.
and so on and so on.
Life is always looking for a way to advance itself. Life does this in many ways, of course. In this case we talk about the advancement of life through you.
Now that you know this, why are you getting in Life's way?
In this episode we discuss the foundation of faith in healing. You will gain a greater appreciation for yourself, for life, and for your health.
This Podcast is for you if you...
Feel you are meant for something greater than what you are allowing.
Know your environment isn't conducive for your growth.
Have a Hereditary disease such as obesity, anxiety, depression, etc.,
Like listening to Podcasts!
Dr. Carlye
Nov 5, 2019
30 min
There are many systems of healing that are opposite in theory and practice that claim to be the miracle cure for a certain ailment, problem, disease, etc,.
I literally just scrolled through my InstaFeed and these were a few of the target headlines:
"OMG You Need This..."
"The Best Shirt. The Best Workout"
"The Best Defensive Supplement Against..."
"Finally a Workout that Works"
Although I hate to admit it, the formula for these Ads work, even on me sometimes. If they didn't work and I were completely resistant to these Ads they wouldn't show up at all.
They know a trick...
that most people are looking for the next best thing, the next MIRACLE PILL, GURU, or SYSTEM that is the cure for their specific health challenge whether mental, physical, emotional or all three. It's the "THING" we can grab from the outside to help us feel better on the inside.
But I know the secret...
There is no such "THING".
I'd like to remind you of the Law of Causation-that every event and circumstance of your life is an effect of a cause. Your car, job, house, health, relationships, etc., are EFFECTS! Now I'd like you to think of it in terms of your health. Anxiety is an effect. Fatigue is an effect. Pain is an effect. Depression is an effect.
One can never work to make things better for themselves by focusing on influencing effects. You will understand this further as you listen to the Podcast.
Change the cause.
You want peace? Change the cause. You want energy? Change the cause. You want relief? Change the cause.
This chapter proposes that a person is healed from something within themselves and not by something in the varying remedies and systems -the Effects. After all, if one remedy or system worked for one disease then it "should" work for all people. As you know, this does not happen.
So what's up with that?
The power to heal is within you. The key is becoming a master at activating this power and influencing the "Cause(s)" I have been writing about so much earlier.
Please sit back and enjoy.
Dr. Carlye
Oct 8, 2019
27 min
Authors Preface
Have you felt it before? The power inside of you that if you could only harness It you could be truly well. The innate capability of being strong, fluid, and flexible in body and especially in mind. What sort of success would this bring for you? If you are in pain what is a life for you without pain? If you are depressed what is a life like with joy and gratitude?
I share with you my secret to success in health. How, with very little physical medicine, or any at all, people are overcoming their health challenges and making huge transformations in their lives.
I've often wondered to myself (once I realized the magic that was happening) how I could reach and work with my clients, their friends and family, and anyone else who seeks to improve themselves, without having to clone myself?
It is through this book called The Science of Being well by Wallace D Wattles that I can assist you in learning the concepts and principles of health. You can overcome your limiting beliefs and physical challenges that are keeping you from your goals. What are those goals - Fitness? Skiing another 10 years? Playing with your children without pain? Feeling as wealthy in health as you are financially?
Please take this Podcast Journey with me as I dissect and assist you to conceptualize and put into practice the principles in this amazing book so you can finally Be Well.
Please Enjoy
Dr. Carlye Luft
Sep 11, 2019
15 min