Stay Free with Russell Brand
Stay Free with Russell Brand
Russell Brand
via Podcasts
I listen to a lot of podcasts everyday. I could listen to Russel Brand everyday. I normally listen to comedy but he keeps grounded in the world of chaos.
Inspirational on so Many Levels
I love this podcast! Russell manages to be funny while delivering necessary dark news that the MSM would never allow on their platforms. I admire his openness he shares while journeying through mental illness; as someone recently diagnosed with the same affliction it is really inspiring to see how he's grown despite this condition. I also love that we've been able to watch him while he grows in his spirituality. Truly an amazing podcast.
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Thoughtfully brilliant!
Speaks the truth!
Love everything about this! Great content, interesting guests! I have learned so much!
Not worth the battery drain
The host and his guests are not speaking truth to power. They are speaking fantasy to what is.
Good show
Enjoy most of the content and interviews but I can’t handle the drinking sounds and other noises. Needs to mute when not talking
Dougal M86
dude needs a mute button
contents alright but jesus russel is the loudest gulping water drinker i’ve ever heard. like somebody needs to tell him. it’s nasty. just chill out. or edit it out. you can like hear him taking big gurgling slurpy swallows after every rant..
Dakotah Rae
Buy a mute button and stop drinking into the mic
I normally am not sensitive to sounds but he grosses me out, and it's so easily fixed. I'm out.
Amazing show, love the show.
Jimbo Coles
I’m surprised he still on the air, but glad he is
dumb driller 1
Stay Free
Truth is here!
Ol’ Russ is the best!
Seriously, he’s the best at lifting the veil of secrecy and articulating it to the masses. I hope the Censorship Industrial Complex never get to him. STAY FREE!
Thought Provoking and Funny
Love all the topics Russell chooses to dissect. Awesome that you are going to 7 days a week. Humorous too!!
David Chicagooo
Wonderful content asking questions that are ignored by the mainstream ! You rock Russel thank you!!
Refreshing! Hilarious! Factual! Educational!
If you are still listening to, watching, or reading the nonsense spewed by legacy media then you will not like this show. For those who figured it out, Russel is refreshingly honest and entertaining in his attempt to deliver “the news.” If you’re on the fence, just ask yourself a simple question: If the one thing I know about is regularly reported on by legacy media incorrectly, how then can I assume the other 99.9% of things I do not know for sure are correct? Mark Twain said it best: “It’s not what we don’t know that is the problem, it’s what we know for sure that just ain’t so.”
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Brilliant & silly & smart!
Entertaining & enlightening; but honest & packed with punches! I’m loving Brands brilliant babble that bubbles up like hydrogen peroxide to expose & clean the crooked nitty gritty gunk from the current approved narrative✌️👏👏👏🥰
Love it!
Keep Up the good work!
2 thumbs up, 5 stars
Love you rusty
Drivel & yammering
groovy squirrel
Love you Russell. Hang tough babe! Stay free!!
Fresh Takes
I like Russell Brand’s fresh takes. He wants people to have an open mind, wake up, and love your neighbor. You don’t have to agree, just listen
mock trial coach
Excess deaths
Please keep reporting on this. So important that the truth is told.
gone girl 60
When, (and why) did you become a trump supporter?
Russell. I remember years ago when you sounded like a communist. At the very least a people’s candidate. Now, I mean, I know you might not have *explicitly* come out and said “I support Donald Trump for president 2024,” but all your videos are marketed towards Trump supporters. Giving up more and more ground. Is it the money? I get it, the s**ual harrassment cases are ridiculous I’m sure. The left mob can be crazy. You used to try to see and talk to both sides. What happened? You know you can always get back into acting. It doesn’t seem like much good is coming out of this online echo chamber full of competing online echo chambers. Starts to make me appreciate art for being more human and emotional commentary on and interaction with present day life.
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A little bit annoyed rn
Skeptic converted
I’ve followed RB for the majority of his career and one thing that I’ve noticed is that when he speaks his mind, it TOTALLY seems like that’s exactly what he thinks/believes. While I don’t agree with a good number of his opinions, he provides them with a clarity that leaves little doubt of its authenticity. I truly appreciate his point of view on a number of topics and always catch the podcast!
Funny thoughtful intelligent
Love the show. He calls balls & strikes in a witty, brilliant way.
A fun listen on a wide array of topics
Flat earther and right wing conspiracist??? Not even close. I’ve been listening to his podcast for a year. Some of his guests are awful but he’s always respectful and can pull out some interesting points.A lot of his guests are interesting- though moderately obscure, they have a voice to ignored issues. Does he ramble on? Sure. Are some of his questions longer than a CVS receipt? Definitely. But he is open to conversation outside ‘accepted dogma’. I am entertained and sometimes I learn some things.
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Honest and in depth
Brand isn’t afraid to go against the narrative and expose the truth.
Scrotie McDicknass
Lost the plot
I used to find Russell’s discourse entertaining, albeit a bit incoherent. Now he’s just a dumpster of conspiracy theories and right wing nonsense. Did not see that coming.
Me inNH
What happened?
When did he turn into a QAnon, flat earth tool?
Thank you on your great work in educating people
amal rubai
Good work
Hes among the whistle blowers who've been kicked out of the main stream because theyre speaking out. Like a mix of adam corolla and ben shapiro. I love it
shitz weak
Genuine Conversation turned Clickbait
Russell used to be so good speaking to a wide array of topics and people and engaging curiously and critically, but now he’s devolved into a borderline conspiracy theorist pandering to a new audience that is uninterested in curiosity and diversity of opinion
Patrick S.R.
The Sound of Kookoo
I recently tuned in to the Russell Brands podcast with high hopes of engaging in a meaningful discussion and gaining some valuable insights. However, my experience was far from satisfying. First and foremost, the sound quality of the podcast is abysmal. It's almost as if they neglected the importance of clear audio, making it a significant hindrance to an enjoyable listening experience. For a podcast to succeed, it's imperative to invest in quality recording equipment and editing to ensure that the audience can hear and understand the content properly. Sadly, this podcast falls short in this regard. Another major issue with the Russell Brends podcast is the accuracy of the information presented. It's disheartening to find that the content often borders on being inaccurate and misleading. In a time where factual information is vital, the podcast's lack of verifiable sources and dubious claims is a glaring concern. Listeners deserve content they can trust, and this podcast doesn't seem to prioritize that. Moreover, the podcast leaves an impression of being driven by a specific agenda rather than an objective pursuit of knowledge and truth. This inclination toward pushing a particular narrative can be off-putting for those seeking balanced and fair discussions. In summary, the Russell Brands podcast has a long way to go in terms of improving its sound quality and ensuring the accuracy of the information it provides. It's essential for podcasters to maintain a commitment to integrity and objectivity, rather than coming across as a platform for promoting a specific ideology. If you're looking for a reliable and well-produced podcast, you might want to explore other options.
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Deeply irritating pseudo-intellectual ranting like a drug addled homeless person
There is something unprecedentedly wrong with this man’s personality and mental state. The same level of ranting hysteria coming from anyone else would lead to instantaneous hospitalization. I listened to one full podcast and this egomaniac would not shut his mouth to allow his guest to complete a thought, showing utter lack of respect for a conversation partner. On top of thatX Russell’s diatribes are God-awful boring. He sounds like someone playing a George Will Madlib. He’s the podcast version of an aggregate of all vapid Instagram accounts and Youtube conspiracists. He’s an entitled, narcissistic, pathetically meager human. Avoid this podcast at all costs. The only thing positive in Russell Brand’s future is if he somehow avoids accountability from his alleged sexual crimes and exiles himself in the remotest possible spot on the planet and meditates away his remaining days.
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The usual suspects.
The usual boring echo chamber of voices from the new right, with Russell interjecting with mindless rambling, the same few catchphrases, and old material. Zzz.
We stand with you Russell
This man has been a great influence for my sobriety and he provides endless hours of entertainment!!!!
Love Russell and community
It is so sad that mainstream media is painting a bad picture. Russell’s podcast and content on social media is informative and he talks to both sides. Always come away knowing more after listening.
I started listening to Russell after I saw all the attacks from the left. No surprise they actively sought out women to accuse him. Smells like shannanogans.
King whirly
I stand with Russell Brand
I stand with Russell Brand
Kitty, you were right.
Kitty you were on point. Russell is now, as of September 20/2023, being accused of sexual assault by several women right after you said this. God bless you and Russell Brand. I do not put any stock in any claims until it is proven beyond a reasonable doubt. Never have, never will. That is the law of Our Land
Here comes the allegations
He’s on the wrong side of the issues now so he’s got to go! Demonetized and shunned for allegations. What a shame. Keep it up Russell! U.S.A. LOVES YOU!!!
Smart, quick paced show.
Love this show. Top listen.
Brilliant and Brave
Very intelligent, funny and kind - the Deep State is coming for him now for speaking the truth. Stay strong and brave. We love and support you.
What happened?
I loved Under the Skin and Football is Nice, but you’d clearly rather be on camera for clickbait now than produce quality content. And with all of your railing against capitalism there sure is a lot of asking the listener to subscribe to this or that in a very fear-based way and when you can’t commit to a platform for more than a year. I subscribed to Luminary literally for you, and I am so disappointed with where you’ve taken your content in just a year. Bring back the old Russell!
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Selassie I an I
It’s so great to hear Russell!!
Enjoyed Attia but an humble suggestion: speak with Dr. Greger about vegan health. He is the vegan health guru. His cookbook is the purest while also most advanced gourmet i have seen. Russell rocks!! Courage that inspires! Wit in The Shakespearean sense and all senses.
Wanda Laugh
Changed my Mind
I marginally knew of Vivek. Wrote him off because I felt like he had no chance behind Trump, Florida man, or Gov Haley. And maybe that’s still true. BUT … now I’m thinking he is worth my full support in the primary. I disagreed with ZERO of what he said. Well done Brand on an amazing episode.
Great VIVEK interview
Such a terrific candidate. You ask great questions and you let the guest speak. Wonderful!!!!
Right wing propaganda pretending to be something else
I knew RB just slipping politically, but listened to him interview the Governor of Florida where he fawned over him with softball question after softball question….it was embarrassing. I can understand you have to be gentle with a guest, but not a SINGLE moment of pushback? It’s like you didn’t even prepare for the interview. Even if I agreed with the guy, this was just totally boring radio
captain bazooka pants
Episode with Vandana Shiva
What a powerful episode!! I wish every American could hear it.
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