via Podcasts
This is my favorite art-related podcast
I first discovered Studio Break a couple years back, when I’d returned to college for art and was spending long weekend hours in the studio drawing still lives with charcoal. It had a large backlog of episodes to fill that time, and it featured artists talking about art…what could be better when you’re having to determine how to draw a flat piece of paper in perspective?
The best thing about this podcast is that host David Linneweh does not come to the mic with an agenda. He is not flogging a related magazine and video course, encouraging boomers with too much disposable income to experience “the new golf.” He is not pushing a style of art or privileging the atelier life over the academic. His guests don’t all just happen to give lessons via the same website. He is not trying to convince you to buy into crypto.
What Mr. Linneweh does each episode is to hold a conversation with a working artist, exploring their interests, ideas and techniques, then relating them to the art they are producing now. It is refreshingly unpretentious and animated conversation, honest conversation, the kind of talk that illuminates so much because the connections made are so organic.
As said, there is no privileging of style here. Studio Break doesn’t concentrate just on abstract artists, or figurative artists, or illustrators, or sculptors…the show has hosted people from all these modes of practice and more. An interview with a photorealistic painter might be followed by someone who makes abstract sculpture from scrapped paper plates they find in a particular alley every morning. The variety of perspectives is refreshing and always gives me fuel for thought about my own practice.
To top it off, Mr Linneweh also sponsors annual competitions for student and professional artists, and features the winners and finalists in their own episodes. Especially for giving students a venue to express their ideas, the podcast deserves high praise.
Oh, and the host is also in a way cool ‘90s indie-sounding band, which just warms the nostalgic cockles of my heart.
Some of the early episodes are a bit rough around the edges, but worth hearing for the voices and to chart the growth of the host’s interview chops over time. In this way, the podcast is a neat metaphor for consistent studio practice. I’ve rambled way too long, and gushed way too much.
So: Subscribe. Listen. You won’t regret it.
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Student Review
Studio break brings the best in the reality of all the artists. Davids voice is easy to follow during the podcast and pleasant to hear all the artist take aways.
Heres to your Convince Fee
Nice show!
Love getting to go on studio visits places I would never otherwise get to go.
Helping us through quarantine
I’ve been taking in a couple episodes a day as a necessary dose of painting talk. I really appreciate the focus on non-coastal artists. I’ve discovered some gems from the backlog like Ben Duke. Thanks for putting this out there.
UARK Painting
Wonderful Podcast experience
This podcast gives listeners a very engaging experience into the studio practices of various artists. The questions are thoughtful and engaging, and are an excellent source of inspiration when puttering around the studio. Overall, awesome podcast, and one of my favorites to listen to!
Post grad crit experience
A true experience. Listening to studio break while working in my own studio is a refreshing change. Somehow the marriage between working on my own work, and engaging the audio, is strangely productive! Great questions, seems to be honest answers from the artists, and humor thrown in the mix. Its great to be able to check the website of studio break to see the images of the artist in the interview. Can't remember the last time I laughed in the studio, when it wasn't a fault of mine!! Solid.
A great way to still feel like your in the crit scenario if you are post grad!
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johnny mountain
Focused and insightful.
I find this growing series focused and investigative, and yet remains casual to a degree. The host has a great ability to formulate questions on the spot, and these questions help to uncover each guest artist's perspective on their work and process. Highly recommended!
Phillip J. Mellen
Artist conversations by artists
I think this is an awesome resource to find out what drives and inspires artists, where their creativity comes from, and what they are working on. Dave goes far and wide to find his interviews.
I have been listening to Studio Break for a while, and the conversations can be casual but enlightening. The artists are often insightful and entertaining. David keeps the conversation going, and knows when and how to pursue a topic and when to move on. I have finally caught up to the Ron Jackson episode. It was an incredible conversation. I can't recommend it enough. It would be an especially great listen for art students.
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