Stripling Warrior Podcast Podcast

Stripling Warrior Podcast

Connor Schurr
The term Stripling Warrior comes from the Book of Mormon. Some men were guilty of all manner of wickedness and destruction by the sword. These men were chastised by God's servants and covenanted to never again take up arms. Later, when their families were in mortal peril, the sons of those men (who's mothers taught them well) took up arms to defend their families. This they did so their fathers would not break the covenants they made with God. Showing that keeping covenants with God are more important than all. Join with your host Connor to consider a variety of gospel and life topics.
#3 Spiritual Thoughts - Even Though We 'Knew Not Beforehand What We Should Do'
In our lives we are asked to do things that are outside of our comfort zone, but faithfully doing what God askes of us can result in miracles.  Story from 1 Nephi chapter 3 and 4. 
Jul 31, 2022
5 min
#2 Spiritual Thoughts - Change the Destiny of a Nation
We have difficult jobs and tasks set before us in our lives. We can choose to rise to the occation or shrink. Abinadi showed us what our righteous acts of courage can bring to pass
Jul 28, 2022
4 min
#1 Forgiveness
If any of you are like me, I can be so self-critical! Join me as I venture into the scriptures to find God's true nature and how He really feels about me- and you. Here are some great links to videos produced by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints depicting the sections of scripture discussed in the episode. Hope you enjoy! "Parables of Jesus: The Prodigal Son" "Go and Sin No More" -
Mar 27, 2022
33 min