Straight Talkin' Podcast

Straight Talkin'
Straight talkin' is the podcast from - You will find a mixture of sermons, interviews, teaching, discussions and debates covering topics from politics and pornography to race and religion. So join us at your leisure. Listen, Learn and Live. Jesus said, "Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man HEAR MY VOICE, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me." Revelation 3:20
A Word from Bishop E Brown
Dr Eric Brown is the Administrative Bishop for the New Testament Church of God in England and Wales. he is ultimately responsible, under God's direction, for steering the organisation in order for growth, stability and to continue to buld the Kingdom of God. In December 2008 Bishop Brown and his wife Millicent visited us at Erdington NTCG. Bishop Brown shared a word of encouragement with us and we were blessed - we hope you will be too.
Dec 22, 2008
1 hr 2 min
Your Eternal Status
Michael Stephens delivers a message to challenge your perception of who you are in Christ. What is your position? What are your rights? What authority do you really have?
Jun 17, 2008
1 hr 1 min
The Journey to Caanan - Pt III
continued form Pt II
Jun 17, 2008
55 min
The Journey to Caanan - Pt II
continuing from Pt I
Jun 17, 2008
38 min
The Journey to Caanan - Pt I
Moving from Eygpt to Caanan. What are the key elements we need to be mindful of in the transition from one level of christian living/thinking to the next? What will we encounter? What amount of sacrifice and "re-programming" will it take on our part? This and other questions are explored and answered in this, the first of a 3-part series by Jacqui Newsome, Pastor of the Erdington NTCG fellowship
Jun 17, 2008
39 min
The Pulse apologise for the quality of this recording Rev Audrey Robb delivers a poignant message on the importance of keeping in line with God's Word.
Dec 9, 2007
49 min
Submitting to God's Word In Us - Pt2
This is the final part to "Submitting to God's Word In Us" - what Word has God placed in you? Are you submitting to His will and calling for your life?
Sep 16, 2007
1 hr 9 min
Submitting to God's Word In Us
Minister Michael Stephens shares the importance of hearing, understanding and obeying the voice of God through our everyday choices
Sep 12, 2007
1 hr
Serving With The Motive of Love
Rev Barrington Mullings shares a message that challenges us at the heart level. What motivates you serve God and to help others? What motivates you to live a Christian life? Is your stance "what am I getting out of it?" or "what am I putting in to it?" ...
Mar 28, 2007
47 min
Serving In The Kingdom
What does it mean to be a servant of God? What is the process of qualification to become a servant? What are the benefits of servanthood? what is the cost of servanthood? These questions among others are answered in this episode of a series on "Servanthood". This message will challenge you in a way that will cause you to question yourself as to how committed you are to Christ and His cause ...
Feb 13, 2007
1 hr 11 min
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