Steady Anchor Podcast Podcast

Steady Anchor Podcast

Steady Anchor Podcast
Podcast by Steady Anchor Podcast
Farewell Episode
This is the farewell episode of the Steady Anchor Podcast. After three years of discussions on Christian faith and practice from a Reformed Baptist perspective, Luke the host is moving on to new things. If you want to keep up with him, you can follow on Twitter @schmeltzer1689. Steady Anchor Podcast episode will remain archived on the Doctrinal Discipleship YouTube channel for the time being.
Jun 27, 2022
6 min
Ep. 93: Self-Control- Fruit of the Spirit
SAP 93. Self-control is a central aspect of Christlikeness, desiring to know and serve God rather than gratify the sinful desires of the flesh. Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter @SteadyAnchorPod; listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Play, SoundCloud, and YouTube. Follow the other members of the Society of Reformed Podcasters (, and find our Doctrinal Discipleship website (! If you have a minute to help us out, leave a rate and review on Facebook or Apple Podcasts, or support us on Patreon ( It helps a lot; God bless!
Apr 30, 2022
30 min
Ep. 92: Gentleness- Fruit of the Spirit
SAP 92. Our God is gentle towards us as a shepherd who carries us in His arms, and Jesus Christ invited the weary and burdened to Himself, for He is gentle and lowly at heart. In light of who God is and what He has done, we are called to be gentle as well in our words and actions. Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter @SteadyAnchorPod; listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Play, SoundCloud, and YouTube. Follow the other members of the Society of Reformed Podcasters (, and find our Doctrinal Discipleship website (! If you have a minute to help us out, leave a rate and review on Facebook or Apple Podcasts, or support us on Patreon ( It helps a lot; God bless!
Mar 19, 2022
36 min
Ep. 91: Faithfulness- Fruit of the Spirit
SAP 91. Jesus Christ was faithful as a servant and a Son, and as we are conformed to the image of Christ by the Spirit, we seek to reflect that same faithfulness. Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter @SteadyAnchorPod; listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Play, SoundCloud, and YouTube. Follow the other members of the Society of Reformed Podcasters (, and find our Doctrinal Discipleship website (! If you have a minute to help us out, leave a rate and review on Facebook or Apple Podcasts, or support us on Patreon ( It helps a lot; God bless!
Feb 12, 2022
33 min
Ep. 90: Goodness- Fruit of the Spirit
SAP 90. The Goodness of God is a reflection of His perfect character and the heart of Christ toward us, and it shows us how we should reflect the goodness of God in gratitude. Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter @SteadyAnchorPod; listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Play, SoundCloud, and YouTube. Follow the other members of the Society of Reformed Podcasters (, and find our Doctrinal Discipleship website (! If you have a minute to help us out, leave a rate and review on Facebook or Apple Podcasts, or support us on Patreon ( It helps a lot; God bless!
Jan 15, 2022
28 min
Ep. 89: Kindness- Fruit of the Spirit
SAP 89. Luke continues our series on the fruit of the Spirit with a study on Kindness, God's kindness toward us, and how we are called to be kind toward others. Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter @SteadyAnchorPod; listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Play, SoundCloud, and YouTube. Follow the other members of the Society of Reformed Podcasters (, and find our Doctrinal Discipleship website (! If you have a minute to help us out, leave a rate and review on Facebook or Apple Podcasts, or support us on Patreon ( It helps a lot; God bless!
Dec 4, 2021
38 min