Stalk Outdoors Podcast Podcast

Stalk Outdoors Podcast

Andy Walker
Yarns with Spearos, Bowhunters, Fishing Fanatics and Adventure Lovers from around the 🌏
19: Bowhunting, Spearing & Free Diving | Live with Captain Lex O'Connor
Today's yarn we are live in the studio with a true water man and outdoor adventurer, Lex O'Connor. Lex has spent most of his life in the outdoors including years on the water.Lex is a Master 4 Skipper, Free Dive Instructor, Avid Spearo and Bowhunter with years of experience out on the water learning all about ocean and weather conditions first hand. He has travelled extensively with his roles in the commercial boating industry and has  experienced amazing situations along the way.We yarn about his early childhood growing up in Far North Queensland on fruit farms, discover how he became a commercial vessel captain, share stories of his close calls whilst spearing and discuss the cross over into bowhunting and harvesting our own food sources.It was an absolute privilege sitting down with Lex for this yarn, he is one of the kindest blokes you will ever come across.This is his story.Like this episode? Do us a solid: Leave us a review. Share the podcast with your mates. Post it to your Insta story or subscribe to the podcast (It really frikin helps). Know a mad Spearo, hunter or adventure addict who has a story to tell?Want specific info on a particular topic? DM us on our Instagram account @stalkoutdoors.podcast and we will try and make it happen.
Dec 11, 2023
1 hr 37 min
018: Crocs, Crays and Doggies | Live with Ash Currie
Today's yarn we are live with one of the biggest mongrels (and great blokes) North Queensland has ever produced, Ash Currie.Ash is a long time Spearo who has spent years diving up and down the coast of North Queensland. Ash shares his knowledge and experience of living in Thursday Island, learning the ways of the land from Indigenous locals and tells a yarn of an incredibly close call he had with a monster saltwater crocodile whilst spearfishing alone north of the Daintree river.We share a few tins (as usual) and have a firkin good laugh at ourselves as we share our F#@k ups and close encounters.Ash is an absolute champion of a guy who loves a yarn and a bloody good time. He doesn't take himself too seriously and it was an absolute blast recording this episode with this legend.Bit of a colourful language warning in this one. This is his story. Like this episode? Do us a solid: Leave us a review. Share the podcast with your mates. Post it to your Insta story or subscribe to the podcast (It really frikin helps). Know a mad Spearo, hunter or adventure addict who has a story to tell?Want specific info on a particular topic? DM us on our Instagram account @stalkoutdoors.podcast and we will try and make it happen.
Nov 27, 2023
1 hr 18 min
017: Cape York Boar Camp | Live with Darren Meares
Join us as we venture 800 kms north of Cairns up into a remote Cape York property  Bowhunting for Boars and spending time in the dusty hot landscape that is Cape York Australia in the dry season. This yarn we are joined by fellow bowhunter, long time mate and experienced bushman Darren Meares. Together we share a few tins and discuss our successes, short comings and lessons learned after each days hunting. This was a fantastic trip and we were looked after exceptionally well by the land owners who gave us the opportunity to experience the true Cape York experience. We find plenty of feral pigs and manage to get an arrow into a few in the process. Like this episode? Do us a solid: Leave us a review. Share the podcast with your mates. Post it to your Insta story or subscribe to the podcast (It really frikin helps). Know a mad Spearo, hunter or adventure addict who has a story to tell?Want specific info on a particular topic? DM us on our Instagram account @stalkoutdoors.podcast and we will try and make it happen.
Nov 13, 2023
1 hr 37 min
016: BCF Topwater Film Review | Live with Kodi Matthews
This episode, Kodi Matthews (The Cray King) joins us live in the studio to yarn all about the 2023 BCF Topwater Invitational film competition. We get down into the weeds and review all 10 of this years videos over a few tins. In the end we each pick a winner that we liked best. Our criteria for judging (right or wrong ) was;How engaging was the teams videoFish caughtHumor OriginalityCamera work and editing qualityCongratulations to all the teams for putting in a huge effort in this years competition, there were some epic fish caught, memories made and beers consumed. Good luck to each and every team this weekend when the actual winners will be announced.Like this episode? Do us a solid: Leave us a review. Share the podcast with your mates. Post it to your Insta story or subscribe to the podcast (It really frikin helps). Know a mad Spearo, hunter or adventure addict who has a story to tell?Want specific info on a particular topic? DM us on our Instagram account @stalkoutdoors.podcast and we will try and make it happen.
Oct 28, 2023
1 hr 14 min
015: The NoobSpearo | Live Isaac “Shrek” Daly
Today's yarn is with the Original Gangster of podcasts in Australia, the NoobSpearo  Isaac "Shrek" Daly. Isaac or Shrek as most know him is the mastermind and host behind the worlds number 1 spearfishing podcast The NoobSpearo. The NoobSpearo has been running for close to 10 years and has helped thousands of Spearo's and free divers learn and improve their hobby.Isaac joins the Stalk Outdoors Podcast to talk about the effects his podcast has had on the community, lessons learned from recording over 200 episodes and shares a heap of laughs about funny characters he has interviewed and mistakes made along the way.It was an absolute blast having Isaac on the show. We shared a heap of laughs, a few too many tins and got an insight into the man behind the NoobSpearo brand.This was one of our favourite episodes so far.This is his story. Like this episode? Do us a solid: Leave us a review. Share the podcast with your mates. Post it to your Insta story or subscribe to the podcast (It really frikin helps). Know a mad Spearo, hunter or adventure addict who has a story to tell?Want specific info on a particular topic? DM us on our Instagram account @stalkoutdoors.podcast and we will try and make it happen.
Oct 16, 2023
1 hr 20 min
014: THE LEGEND DONNIE VINCENT | Ethics of Bear Hunting
Todays yarn is with avid hunter, animal biologist and film maker Donnie Vincent. Donnie is at the absolute pinnacle of hunting extreme, remote locations and has completed more than 50 hunting and conservation expiditions to the Arctic Circle and Alaska. Donnies knowledge and experience in not only surviving, but thriving in this type of country is unparalleled. He shares story after story of his incredible experiences including riding an elephant to work to study tigers in Bangladesh, befriending a pack of wolves whilst studying salmon in Alaska, an incredible mountain lion hunt and also his view on the ethics of hunting bears.Donnie is one of the most passionate and genuine people you could ever meet and he truely lives life prioritising incredible experiences above material possessions. His knowledge of the land and his willingness to share it was inspiring to say the least.This is his incredible story.  Like this episode? Do us a solid: Leave us a review. Share the podcast with your mates. Post it to your Insta story or subscribe to the podcast (It really frikin helps). Know a mad Spearo, hunter or adventure addict who has a story to tell?Want specific info on a particular topic? DM us on our Instagram account @stalkoutdoors.podcast and we will try and make it happen.
Oct 2, 2023
2 hr 27 min
013: USA Bowhunter, Grizzly Attack Survivor | Bob Legasa
Todays yarn is with Grizzly bear attack survivor, the master of fun, Bob Legasa. Bob is an urban legend in the USA who is always up for a party and a good time. Bob is a bloody great bloke who shares his love of beer bongs, making others laugh and tells the incredible story of being attacked by a Grizzly bear whilst out bowhunting for elk with a mate.Bob has a love of the outdoors, is an ex professional areal skier on the USA ski team and has over 35 years of elk hunting experience under his belt.It was a bloody great time sharing this yarn and hearing the details of his Grizzly attack.This is his story. Like this episode? Do us a solid: Leave us a review. Share the podcast with your mates. Post it to your Insta story or subscribe to the podcast (It really frikin helps). Know a mad Spearo, hunter or adventure addict who has a story to tell?Want specific info on a particular topic? DM us on our Instagram account @stalkoutdoors.podcast and we will try and make it happen.
Sep 18, 2023
1 hr 2 min
012: World Archery Guru JOEL TURNER | SHOT IQ
Todays yarn is with world renowned shot coach, Joel Turner from Shot IQ in the USA. This is episode two of our multipart USA Bowhunting special. Joel has spent 25 years researching the science behind mastering the shot process. We get right down into the weeds on all things shooting.Topics include:• Thoughts aren’t Thinking• Neurolinguistic programming • Aiming • Controlled shot processes• Fuck ups and plenty more!Joel is an incredibly intelligent guy who is super willing to share his knowledge and techniques to help us all gain control of our mental state to assist us in stressful situations. It was a pleasure to sit down and pick the brain of the premier shot coach in the world. This is his story. Like this episode? Do us a solid: Leave us a review. Share the podcast with your mates. Post it to your Insta story or subscribe to the podcast (It really frikin helps). Know a mad Spearo, hunter or adventure addict who has a story to tell?Want specific info on a particular topic? DM us on our Instagram account @stalkoutdoors.podcast and we will try and make it happen.
Sep 4, 2023
1 hr 11 min
011: USA Elk Bowhunter | Dan Staton of ELK SHAPE
Dan Staton, the creator of Elk Shape joins the podcast as our first episode in our multi part USA Bowhunting special. Dan is a well respected Elk hunter who embraces the grind in all aspects of his life. He lives by the mantra "The separation is in the preparation" and demonstrates this in his life,  hunting and fitness successes.Dan is a successful digital Youtube creator, Elk Shape Podcast host, father and husband with a true passion for all things he puts his mind too. Topics covered:USA hunting regulations (tag systems etc)Elk Shape CampsArchery training techniques Discipline Vs Motivation Challenges facing all hunters (government bias etc)Dan is a super interesting guy with extensive knowledge in the bowhunting and archery fields.This is his story.Like this episode? Do us a solid: Leave us a review. Share the podcast with your mates. Post it to your Insta story or subscribe to the podcast (It really frikin helps). Know a mad Spearo, hunter or adventure addict who has a story to tell?Want specific info on a particular topic? DM us on our Instagram account @stalkoutdoors.podcast and we will try and make it happen.
Aug 21, 2023
1 hr 4 min
010: Part 2 Alone Australia | Outback Mike
Todays episode is part 2 with Outback Mike on all things Alone Australia season 1. Mike was the runner up after being controversially removed by show officials for health concerns from weight loss and covid 19. Mike gives an insight into starvation and the mental and physical challenges of surviving alone in a highly challenging environment for over 60 days. This is his story.Like this episode? Do us a solid: Leave us a review. Share the podcast with your mates. Post it to your Insta story or subscribe to the podcast (It really frikin helps). Know a mad Spearo, hunter or adventure addict who has a story to tell?Want specific info on a particular topic? DM us on our Instagram account @stalkoutdoors.podcast and we will try and make it happen.
Aug 7, 2023
1 hr 15 min
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