Spoken Label
Spoken Label
Andy N
Susan Darlington (Spoken Label, January 2022)
33 minutes Posted Dec 31, 2021 at 7:00 pm.
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Latest Spoken Label, features our returning friend Susan Darlington talking about her new collection "traumatropic heart".

This wonderful collection has being described by:

"In taut, precise language, Susan Darlington finds both gothic horror and lusciousness in the world around her. Crammed into display cases and confined in doll's houses, the poet's persona conveys the same brave emancipation of Ibsen's Nora, and - like her - will leave you looking at the world with fresh eyes."
Hannah Stone, author of Reflections: A Poet-Theologian in Lockdown Leeds (Maytree Press)


"Like a doll’s house, this neat, playful chapbook gives us the world in miniature. Only the wall is off. These poems expose the reader to the elements of Susan Darlington’s lucid imagination, vining the body of the speaker to the non-human world and illuminating what natural cycles can transform. Traumatropic Heart is a bewitching read.”

Becky Cherriman, author of Empires of Clay (Cinnamon Press).

Pieces read out in this session include:

1. Traumatropic heart
2. After the storm has passed
3. It's said
4. The Doll's House
5. Stone babies

The collection can be bought at:

Susan can be found on twitter at:

Her 1st session for Spoken Label can be found on all the usual networks including: