"The coyote--flexible in his habits, cooperation with his kind, opportunistic by nature, catholic in his taste, capable of observational learning, suspicious, tough, and ingenious. Many claim he is the smartest animal in North America." This quote is from Hope Ryden in the book God's Dog: The North American Coyote.
Feb 20, 2021
31 min
Although very common, eastern grey squirrels have an interesting life course and history. I also tell you about some experiences I had with them including $5,000 worth of house damages, hunting squirrels as a kid, and being bitten by a squirrel. Listen to this nutty episode.
Jan 20, 2021
27 min
The Eastern Red Cedar has been used for many things in Southern Appalachia including pencil making, wildlife habitat enhancement, fence posts, and cough medicine, but what's really interesting is its spiritual meaning. From Cherokee ancestor to nightmare banishment, cedars are both family and friends.
Dec 19, 2020
14 min
This episode will give you a few storytelling tips and a couple of stories. Join me for a few minutes Rawhead and Bloody Bones, Old Dry Frye, and getting lost in the woods. It's fall y'all!
Oct 20, 2020
30 min
This episode is a personal account of what I experience on Nov. 28th 2016, a timeline of the fires, and some wildfire ecology. Can it happen again? Listen and you make up your mind.
Aug 20, 2020
26 min
What's this all about?
Jul 5, 2020
1 min