Sounds Like Hate
Sounds Like Hate
Southern Poverty Law Center
via Podcasts
Essential listening
Thought provoking. Comprehensive. Tremendously educational
Please Keep up the GREAT WORK
An Absolutely Great Wealth of Information, I have learned so much. Thank you for all of your hard work.
Great coverage of important issues
I learn so much. Thank you for the great information. I am so thankful for this podcast to uncover instances of hate and civil rights violations.
Scrum ray
Thanks SPLC
This podcast is so informative. I have thought in the past as a white women that I knew and understood racism and the feelings of people of color in this country. That was far from the truth. These first person interviews and conversations have really opened my eyes. Thanks so much.
Cuca Girl
Sounds Like Hate Awakens through awareness
I am so grateful to the podcast “sounds Like Hate” of the SPLC. I have been trying to educate myself for the Racial and Social Justice work in which I am heavily engaged and SPLC has always been a ‘go to’ place for me for trusted information. ‘Sounds like Hate’ has been so informative both with information and connections to real people impacted by the hate. I thank you for this education and inspiration to continue working towards Justice and against systemic racism. The SPLC Tolerance Grant helped me create a program in a local elementary school years ago and you continue to support me now with information. Thank you all for this powerful and vital podcast. Linda Snow Dockser Reading, MA
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Racism is ALIVE & WELL
Sad to say that I always suspected that Racism was alive and well, but podcasts like this underline this fact in RED! I’ve always thought that racism was a symptom of a kind of mental illness. It’s definitely evil on every level. Things I’ve been learning about from these podcasts are alarming and seriously urgent! These evil people have become a deadly weapon in our country. Where is the FBI in dealing with these civilian saboteurs, these domestic terrorists? Because that is what they truly are, DOMESTIC TERRORISTS!!
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The Real America is Being Attacked
We are past “wake up” call.
Supporter since 1987
These podcasts take my awareness to a new level!
Thank You
I am so grateful to have these episodes to help me get educated and make a plan on how to help fight racism, and other threats to civil rights.
Great work SPLC. Keep it up please.
Amazing, riveting and important.
Your work is very important and impactful. There is no better time than now to discuss these issues. This is very riveting, powerful, and thorough. I will be following.
SPLC gives us hate to solve the hate
This podcast is offering up more hate to solve the hate. How does that work? I think the production of this podcast is weak sauce and it fails to put facts in front of hate. Sad.
Knowledge is empowering
I can't say thank you enough for the content of your reporting. There's something to learn from in every episode. It's refreshing compared the millions of opinions found on blogs and message boards from scientists to rual couch potatoes.. 🙄
Appalling puff piece
The only reason Samantha left that racist group is because she didn’t feel important enough. If they’d have given her a few more pats on the back she’s still be there spewing hate. The fact that you clowns spent time advocating for her is disgusting. Samantha hasn’t changed, she just found a better way to get attention.
Cool AI but lazy reporting. Also not all black metal is bad.
Casey Stahl
Powerful and important
Powerful and important. Although it’s frightening what’s happening in our nation and in other parts of the world, it’s important to stay informed and aware. Thanks to SPLC for all they do including bringing us this podcast.
You’ll learn a lot by listening
Important investigative journalism. A continuation of the SPLC’s crucial work.
Well done
A thought provoking podcast that highlights the issues of USA related white supremacy, the extremists who ascribe to such nonsense, and how it effects people. As someone on the sidelines who has witnessed a microcosm of such issues, it gave someone who is white like me a lot of much needed perspective.
Important story telling
For anyone that finds the true crime/criminal podcasts interesting, this is for you. A chilling look into the frightening movements just beneath the surface.
What a great resource!
Anyone who wants to stay on top of the efforts to track and counteract domestic terrorism will find this podcast valuable. It’s produced in a clear and vivid way that makes it easy to understand, and riveting to follow. Thanks for this, SPLC!
Powerful and Passionate
I recently had the privilege of meeting Jamila, a season 2 host, and was inspired by her deep desire and love to tell peoples’ stories. I’m actually excited again to enjoy meaningful reporting through the unique and beautiful lens of (Jamila’s) documentaries.
This podcast is very informative and gives specific examples of white supremacist thinking. It is very helpful in highlighting what can be done, too. Thanks!
Big Curlytop
I have to say first of all, that I normally do not listen to is just too much time with a computer for me. But as a long time supporter of the Southern Poverty Law Center, I read that they were helping this group produce and disseminate this series that sounded like a must for me. I am only halfway through the episodes and I am stunned by the brilliance, the clarity, and the organization of these broadcasts. Sadly I am not stunned by the content: the world of white extremism. It certainly does nauseate me, but it does not surprise me. May I suggest you try them? This is a subject that is not being addressed in an effective way and even that is a result of structural racism . If that is not changed, this democracy will become engulfed by this mental derangement.
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Powerful range of voices. Very clear eyed.
This is a must-listen podcast for understanding the connection between white supremacist groups and rather siege on the United States Congress. Too many important takeaways to list.
Although this is well researched and thorough- it’s so censored that’s difficult to listen to. Please consider reporting the full primary sources as they exist. Or please consider posting a full transcript and other texts to help listeners research on their own
Very well done, extremely interesting
This podcast is top of my list - I cannot wait for season 2! I find this topic interesting and I’m always looking for content that covers these hate groups without glamorizing the subjects/movement or treating the subjects with an abundance of sympathy, for lack of a better word. This is an intelligent, thoughtfully planned, and intriguing look - complete with audio clips. It’s great!
Makes you really stop and think
Although I found the stories troubling I also found that they gave me some hope. The fact that these groups are being scrutinized and infiltrated is hopeful. Conversely, the way these people are treated because they’re white by not being prosecuted is t disconcerting. I do believe there is more love in the world than hate. Sadly the haters arm armed.
great podcast
incredibly eye opening about white supremacy. how it works and how it thrives. this is not sensationalism, this is real solid reporting. thank you splc!
SPLC does important work at a high level
This podcast is excellent reporting, with a mixture of personal profiles and larger analysis that tries to bring the USA's national problems with white supremacist movements into focus. This is as relevant as reporting gets in this country, in this time.
Sharing with the young adults in my life
I look forward to sharing this with my 18 year old son, and having a discussion with our family about this aspect of American culture. As a young white man (though not white enough for the Base) he and his peers areat risk for radicalization. Conversations based on this series seem like the place where I as a parent can learn with my child about what radicalization looks like and feels like, why it happens, and what we can do to confront it. Thank you SPLC.
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Strong Minds Take Work
I feel compassion toward Samantha, the guest of “Getting Out.” It was difficult to hear about how she recruited women into an environment with a high likelihood that they would experience multiple types of abuses, and more certainly, a degraded status. I am a female OIF/OEF veteran, who during my enlistment, experienced and witnessed chronic sexual assault and harassment. In just one enlistment of 4 years, there were 2 suicides, 1 attempted suicide, 3 murders, 1 rape (that was reported), and multiple people who self-injured by cutting and burning. A couple of years after I got out, I became a counter-recruiter in high schools, and volunteered my time by talking to students about the realities of military life, as well as their rights, and lack of rights. I never told anyone not to join - that is their choice. The point of me saying this is: 1.) it was hard for me to hear that a person, at one point, willingly led women into an environment which was dark in similar ways to the military, and 2.) that through Samantha’s own personal choices, can walk the road of reckoning and inner peace. For me, that was being the person I wish I could have encountered prior to enlistment. For Samantha, she will make her own decision about that, and it doesn’t have to be anything like what I did. It takes a strong mind to navigate the mental obstacle course that she has been through, and sounds like she is still going through. Reckoning with the past does not mean self-degradation. It does mean balance. I hope that Samantha feels compassion for herself as she continues with her life, and am grateful that she has chosen to see the brilliance and ugliness of life outside of a mindset of dichotomy. I appreciate her willingness to share a difficult story. I wish her and her family a good and meaningful life.
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Salient and critically informative
I cannot recommend this podcast highly enough. In these times of uncertainty information and swiftly moving and changing circumstances sounds like he provides simple verified synthesis of information that allows you to draw your own conclusions and take your own anti-racism and responsibilities as a United States citizen more seriously from formed perspective. Please listen share and spread the word.
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anti-racist in Oregon
Prescient and important!
This is an incredibly important podcast that takes a deep dive into racial divisions in America, and the rise of neo-fascism among young people. From Charlottesville, to a small school district in Vermont, to an international extremist hate group known as The Base, this podcast tries to understand what motivates people to hate and how deradicalization can help bring people back from hate. At a time when hate groups are increasing and we are more polarized than ever, podcasts like this are more important than ever. It’s incredibly well researched and timely. Keep up the good work, and I can’t wait to hear the next season.
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Keep up this Good Work!
I come away more informed. It’s so hard to hear of so much hate against our fellow citizens but education on these issues is essential to overcoming these systemic problems.
Well done and timely
Thus is one of my favorite podcasts. The research is excellent, the topics are always thought provoking, and incredibly relevant to the current state of affairs.
Sobering and enlightening
The investigative stories and portraits of those involved in Hate groups really gets under the skin and into the anatomy of the mindset of extremist groups. Episode “Getting Out” follows a woman who entered and later left a Hate group and it was gut wrenching and eye opening at the same time. These honest, level-headed studies in organized racism are critical for one’s self-education in these times. Brilliant work SPLC!
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#1 Podcast in My Rotation
These have been amazing. Pacing is wonderful, there’s a lot to absorb so I appreciate not going too fast with each story’s journey. I’m learning much and highly recommend this vital forum of exploration and conversation. Knowing is much more than half the battle.
Disturbingly Fascinating
This podcast is so educational and riveting, even though it validates my sadness of the hate throughout our world. I wish there were more episodes, more often!!
In order to squash hate, we need to understand its root, what nurtures it and makes it thrive. This podcast brings us into a world we may not otherwise see the inside of to begin to peek in I hope there will be more episodes to come.
What an impressively produced podcast! Another win in journalism for SPLC!♥️
Podcast philos
Well done SPLC
I am a southerner who has grown up with confederate flag imagery all my life and listened with bemusement and disgust as the people flying it try to claim its meaning as “heritage not hate”. As I listened to your episodes about the high school in Vermont, I found myself befuddled once again. Why would someone from Vermont fly this flag? It’s certainly not heritage, so.... Sadly this young man learned nothing from this experience and instead found a more socially acceptable symbol of hate to wear around- a MAGA hat.
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Very good information
This is a very informative series that brings forth issues that need to be heard.
Not Okay Part 2
Part 2 did not fail to deliver. I appreciate the honesty of the principal. This PODCAST is so needed and will hopefully spark change somwhere.
Treste Loving
Also my favorite new podcast
Very moving, educational stories. Thank you
Love it!
My new favorite podcast😃
Lando from the office
Well done SPLC. These should be mandatory listening for anybody interested in the progress that still needs to be made.
Racist rants. You can’t solve racism with more racism
Not worth your time. SPLC used to stand for something great. No longer.
Rev. Don A. Storey, Sr.
Over the last twelve years, I have learned that while we as a nation have made progress we still have a long way to go. I think we will need to continue to have painful conversations for a long time that focus on both sharing and listening, especially when it is hard to hear another perspective. Most of us don’t know the pain and fear many people live with everyday. Thanks for the presentation.
odie coyote
Blown away...
Tough subject, but loved how it was addressed through people’s stories. These days, when we try to avoid the depressing news cycles .. this is important. Thank you!
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