Soul Mirror Talks Podcast

Soul Mirror Talks

Dora Szabó
I believe in the power of storytelling and I believe that we can change people’s perspective through deep and honest conversations. I am not a professional in this field, but I would like to help others to feel less alone and encourage people to talk about their problems and feelings, because it is okay to talk. In this podcast I will talk openly with incredible human beings and through their stories, I hope we can give something to You. Instagram: @soulmirror.talks E-mail: [email protected]
AJ Newans' Story and The Power of Community - Interview with Rose Attard.
Dec 1, 2021
32 min
"It's okay to talk." - Interview with Luke Scott.
Luke Scott went through a lot: unfortunate traumas and loss, mental illness, multiple suicide attempts, but he is still alive and he wants to help others. Luke has an organization called "WeGoAgain". A brand that aims to raise awareness around mental health, disappear the stigmas and support others in their journey. He offers one to one support sessions, group sessions and even public speaking events.E-mail address: [email protected]:
Nov 30, 2021
24 min