Sore Losers
Sore Losers
Sore Losers
We are the...1, 2, 3...Sore Losers! Lunchbox and Ray are heard every morning on the award-winning, nationally syndicated iHeartRadio program, The Bobby Bones Show, which broadcasts to 200+ stations across the US and Canada and is the #1 country morning show with millions of weekly listeners. But on THIS podcast, they are The Sore Losers. The Sore Losers podcast features commentary on daily sports stories with added humor and witty banter between these friends living in Nashville. They love to talk about sports...even if they aren’t right all the time! New episodes are released on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.
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Available episodes
Typical release rate
Every few days
Latest episode
a month ago
April 5
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