Songwriter's Toolbox Podcast
Songwriter's Toolbox
Michael Shorr
via Podcasts
Some good insights
I thought the episode on phrasing was useful. Simple songwriting technique I never would have thought of. On a similar topic I always wonder about how artists pick their moments to NOT use lyrics, putting in ahhhs, yeahs or nah nahs etc. lady Gaga, Charlie Puth, Billy Joel, Springsteen, all use these fillers often. Newer songs like Sweet But Psycho, Havana, Girl Like You use it a lot too. Would be interesting to understand why and how they use this technique. Or even holding notes for measures and measures.
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Talking over his own head
I only listened to the episode on modes, but he doesn't seem to know his music theory well enough to be taking about it. I like what he's trying to do, but it comes across more as a guy trying to impress you at a party than someone who knows what they're talking about.
Nashville Nickname
Incredible Resource!
Please bring this back!
More Please!
This is the best podcast on Songwriting available! I would be willing to PAY for more! Please please please! More!
OD Green & the House of G
I'm enjoying the style of this podcast. It is fueling the desire to make songwriting a part of my everyday routine rather than something I pick up every 6months or so.
Awesome !!!
Thanks, very helpful.....
Great resource and credentials...
I like this, but I wouldn't mind hearing more examples per podcast or a more in depth analysis and explanation of the tools in use.
Ryan Keaton
Need More !!!!
We Need More
Pretty informative but I'm with that first guy, when are you putting out another one?
I think my tittle says it all.
Great podcast, any more episodes????
I like the first installment, but when are you going to do more? I am anxiously waiting!!