Songwriter's Toolbox Podcast
Songwriter's Toolbox
Michael Shorr
Songwriter's Toolbox - Universal Human Experience (Dolly Parton) - episode of Songwriter's Toolbox podcast

Songwriter's Toolbox - Universal Human Experience (Dolly Parton)

1 seconds Posted Mar 5, 2010 at 5:28 pm.
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What makes a song emotionally powerful? Most often, the impact comes from a special combination of melody, chords, groove and lyrics. With Dolly Parton's song "Coat of Many Colors", one element seems to stand out most: the lyrics. By the way, thanks so much to all you podcast listeners who've emailed me to let me know how much you're enjoying this podcast. I'm so psyched it's valuable to you. It's truly inspiring to me and actually helps encourage me not only to keep writing the Song Toolbox but also to keep writing songs myself!