Songwriter's Toolbox Podcast
Songwriter's Toolbox
Michael Shorr
Songwriter's Toolbox - The Water and The Conduit (Don Richmond) - episode of Songwriter's Toolbox podcast

Songwriter's Toolbox - The Water and The Conduit (Don Richmond)

1 seconds Posted Dec 16, 2008 at 9:18 pm.
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Ever get discouraged in your songwriting? Today's tool helps me get inspired again. It comes from singer-songwriter-instrumentalist-teacher-philosopher Don Richmond. It's called "The Water and The Conduit" and I hope you find it as helpful as I do. You can check out Don's music and more on Plus, Don's written an extraordinary book called "Getting Your Music Past the Fear." You can order a copy through his website. By the way, you can hear some of the music I've written at my biz website: Thanks again for listening. And please comment - I look forward to hearing what you think!