India Arie
via Podcasts
Love it!
So grateful for India sharing her life story and musical journey so honestly and intimately.
India.Arie Songversation
I really enjoyed hearing the stories behind the music of this dynamic goddess Queen. It was inspiring to get a peak into how her awesome music came about and how the awesome collaborators and co-creators, like Stevie Wonder, blended their energy to create a vibration to bless us continually. Thank you, India. Your ministry is amazing!
India does NOTHING wrong!!
Best podcast ever!!!!!!
Just discovered this podcast and it is PURE soul soothing goodness!! I am such a big fan of India’s music and am now rediscovering all of her magic through this podcast. Her warm speaking voice is as amazing as her singing and oh the wisdom she’s delivering! LOVE LOVE LOVE!
Thank you for this!
I’m a big fan of yours…your songs give me peace and a appreciate the truth and messages in all of your music. Life has been crazy so I subscribed a long time ago but just getting around to listening. About to binge out on all the episodes lol! Thank you for this because every single one of your songs is worthy of conversation. Also, I am Light!! My favorite song…the song that gives me peace. I have anxiety when traveling on planes and this is the song I listen to on repeat during take off and landing. So while it’s taken you lots of places…it’s literally taken me lots of places!!
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Beautiful soul, Beautiful music and Beautiful journey of healing
India your music has always brought healing to my spirit and this podcast has touched me and my 10 year old daughter in so many special ways. Thank you for being true to your path, Thank you, THANK YOU! ❤️
Know that your journey is a BEAUTIFUL one and I’m honored to hear you share it with us. The stories behind your song confirms why they touch the core of who I AM. Thank you and know that my LOVE for you runs DEEP. #SheHealsMe
Soulful and Authentic
One of the most authentic podcasts out there! It’s so refreshing to hear India get so real about her life and share her wisdom with us. It is like food for the ears/soul!!!
Maryn M.
Thank you
Words can’t describe all of the feelings...
Mary B Rogers
Love Songversations!
Love healing peace and joy - that’s what it’s all about and what’s not to love about that. I love India Arie and value her insights - not only about her sings but also the state of times these days. Highly recommend.
One of My Favorite Podcasts
Feels like spending time with one of my favorite artists. India's podcast is intimate, personal and gives a great behind-the-scenes glimpse into her life and creative process. I can't recommend it highly enough.
Amazing on so many levels
India Arie is one of my favorite people in the ENTIRE WORLD! I love her voice. Both speaking and singing. But i also love her MIND. She’s wise beyond her years, articulates herself beautifully, authentic, honest, thought provoking and passionate. I love listen to her podcast and learning the backstory of her songs. I also love hearing her perspective and getting to know her as India Simpson the woman who works as India.Arie the artist. I love you India. I’ll continue to love this podcast, your music and you! SOULBIRD for life!
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I Needed That
Thank you! That was much needed. I love the affirmation at the end. I’ve recently started reciting affirmations and working on my positive thinking. I am as happy as I have ever been. Thank you for your music! Keep it going because it does heal.
What a beautiful soul you are! I have enjoyed this podcast so much! It has taught me a lot about who you are as an artist and you are so inspiring! Wishing you light and peace 💛✨🙏🏾
Amazing podcast!
Amazing! Such beautiful words for revelation and hope. I’ve always told people that happiness is a choice. This was amazing!
Voice Smooth as Cocoa Butter
I thank you for sharing another piece of yourself with the world. I love your music and your singing voice but I especially love your speaking voice, it’s like listening to smooth cocoa butter. You are a star! Hope to meet you one day. Love you forever💜
Quesha Moore
Honestly India, Your music has always touched my soul in a way that not a lot of music has. I listen to your music when I feel like I need to hone into my truth, dig deeper into my self and make difficult decisions. Everything you speak about and your intentions are felt on a spiritual level. As artists it is our responsibility to record the times in which we live. Your music does that. You speak about the things people are too afraid to. You speak life into women, into people. For that, I am truly grateful so much so that I get emotional even as I type this. Your craft has helped me through so many traumatic experiences. There were times when I felt hopeless and then I remember the lyrics to your music and sing aloud as affirmations for myself. Please continue to manifest your truth and pour into your music. Thank you for being you always. Thank you for your love, you truth, your legacy, your sacrifice, your vulnerability. Keep doing what you do, it’s necessary. Peace Sakinah
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inspired peace of mind
That you for what you do, how you do it, and what you represent. You are wonderful Queen. Much love and respect sistah
kween vann
Thank you
Thank you for being you, and for sharing your time with us ✨💜✨ I’ve always loved your music. It makes my soul happy! And now I’m excited to hear your thoughts & reflections 💞
You Are A Star
Your music has resonated with me through all my cycles of growth. You are very special. Thank God for true and pure musicians like you. ❤️
Thank you India.Arie
I came across your music back in 2006. I was 16 at the time and I was going through depression and suicidal thoughts. I will always and forever be grateful for you and your music! I believe your obedience to write the music you write saved my life and it continues to add peace to my mind & spirit! So, thank you for being you! 🖤 -Shavonne 🖤
Shavonne Taylor
Grateful for HOPE
Grateful for this message of hope! Thank you for always being true, real and grounded in your beliefs. You have been a blessing to me through your music for years, so thank you again for reminding me that there is HOPE. Katrice Hagan
SSG xox
A million thanks!!! 💚💚🙏🏽
Sweet Beautiful India! Thank you so much for sharing your many musical gifts with all the world. You have no idea how many times your music has comforted, healed and made me ponder while also inspiring me to my core! I just finished listening to your SongVersation about your song, there’s hope. And there are so many synchronicities that came to mind while listening to it. You see, in 2006 I was a junior in college and was traveling to India on a study abroad trip. My best friend sent me your album as a gift to help me feel less homesick. I had grown up listening to your music ever since “Video” and she knew how much your music meant to me. Well I didn’t know how much your album would play such a big role in my life that year in particular. I was in India so far away from my home and what I grew up around (Mexican-American from Boyle Heights CA). Your music not only made me feel less alone but helped me survive one of the most tragic and life altering moments of my life. One of my peers died of a drug overdose the night after I had been sexually assaulted at a party in India. That whole experience marked me in a very profound and traumatic way and your music offered my soul solace and comfort. I would listen to your album everyday and night as I walked the streets of India, listening to lyrics like, “this too shall pass” “there’s hope” and of course my all time favorite, “private party.” Your music gave me life when I thought I didn’t have the breathe or stamina to keep going. It brought me hope, helped to shape my perspective in a way that colored my world in light and gratitude for what I DID have in my corner. So thank you, thank you for all that you do. For being a messenger and an angel of God that helps to illuminate some of the darkest moments in those who have the privilege of knowing you and your music. Sending you loving thoughts and prayers of safety and healing during these very scary and unpredictable times in our human history. Thank you! 💚🙏🏽
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love 💚
thank you 🙏🏽
India said that Stevie Wonder is her hero! I wonder does she know how many girls consider her their hero!??? Love India!!
A blue print of humanity
I see that you are to a lot of people, what you are to me. I will not try to convince myself or you that I love you more. But I love you, for who you are, for what you will leave on earth. I named my only child after you, in prayer that she could inherit your grace.
I’m so grateful I got to be at the final episode of The Worthy Tour!
I’m so thankful that my Mom and I got to see you in Nashville! I’m also so thankful for you being a role model for me to share my poetry and my deep deep grateful loved that your music inspires in my heart! Thank you for the gift of The Worthy Tour! It was a dream come true for me to meet you and introduce my aunt and partner and Mom to you! I love the love that flows through you into us and back again. Much much love India! Thank you for these grateful heartfelt reflections! Much love!!!!
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Wise. Thoughtful. Mental Reset. This podcast is all 3 words than some.
Namaste 💫
You're a breath of fresh air each and everytime I get to experience you, your wisdom and truth. Thank you for being a light and bringing others to the light inside. You inspired me to start my own podcast (Happi & Whole) and I couldn't be more grateful I decided to take the leap. Your stories inspire thought and appreciation and your closing affirmations keep us all grounded. Continue to blaze the trail....I'll be along for every step of the journey. Love & Light
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Cristyna R.
She Makes My Soul Light Up Like Magic
I am a lover of all things India Arie and in true fashion she shows up right on time again. Thank you so much Dear Light for never surrender your authority because it has saved our lives - us SongBirds, we needed a light through our time and You Reward Us in that way. I am certain I speak for many when I say your conviction to your truth has provided value so immeasurable you may not even be able to fully grasp the breadth of it at this time. Forever in gratitude SongBird Queen! Love you! ***Steady Love***
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Yay fun game
Strength, courage and wisdom!!
One of my favorite songs and favorite three words when I think of India Arie. I have been a fan forever and love her entire soul!! This podcast has really gifted me with clarity on why she speaks to my soul in so many ways. Thank you India for the “Strength, Courage and Wisdom” you openly share when doing these. You are a healer in more ways than you know and I am so thankful for you and how your music and mission has helped to heal me.
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Peace and Love
I’ve always loved you as an artist but this podcast........🙌🏾. Everytime I listen to an episode the peace that comes over me is priceless. Your spirit is truly transferable. Thank you for continuing to reinvent yourself!
Mrs. Mat
Thank You!!
Thank you!! You are so vital for earths vibation. Thank you for the inner reflections. It makes things some what not so strange.
Worthy Tour
The first time I saw you was Feb 2017 during the SongVersation for MLK celebration. It was such a moving, emotional, and healing experience. It was what I needed to release all the emotions that had built up over 2016 and the election. I told myself if she goes on tour again I will be there! Side’ve been one of my faves since Acoustic Soul, just never got around to seeing you live. I purchased a VIP ticket for the Boston show and it was just as amazing. The time leading up to the event I wondered what I would say. I thought I would say exactly what I said in the opening paragraph of this review. However, the only thing that came out as I approached was “nice to meet you” and “thank you” before I walked away. Gene Moore is everything you described vocally. When he did that solo snippet of Diamonds and Pearls during the pre-show???? No words...blown away! Thank you for this podcast. I really enjoy listening to you reflect on the tour and all of your songs. Looking forward to seeing you again in the future. Continued peace, love and blessings to you. ❤️
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Thank you for this uplifting connection.
So, over the years I’ve always wanted to just sit, eat great food, have a glass of wine & converse about lyrics from some of my favorite artist, straight from their mouths...not 2nd hand. Once again, the universe has given me what I need, when I need it. I’ve only listened to the first episode and already loving it. I’m so glad I found your podcast; it’s about to be a really great day in my cubicle. This is soooo good!
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One Lovr
Thank You for your Light🌹🖤
Follow The Sun
Love this podcast. I’ve loved your music since day one and every album I fall in love with your gift BUT THIS SONG IS BY FAR MY FAVORITE. As an African American woman who suffers from depression, the lyrics and melody have helped me push past dark moments and remind me that when “the monsters in my head tell me I am not worthy” that they are wrong because I AM!! Thank you 💜🌞
Pep Talk Tae
Beautiful song and story telling 👍🏼🎶😀
Your light shines so bright
Thank you India Arie. You are shining a bright light is world that has its share of darkness. You are doing you work, staying accountable to you, rooted and grounded. Your music is such healing medicine and comes from your soul. As a 63 year old woman I have been a fan of yours from day one. You are a beautiful bridge in a divided world. Keep doing you! Can’t wait to see you at Cain Park in August.
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I can not express how grateful I am for you, your artistry, and your willingness to share of yourself. I have awakened every day this week with a different song of yours in my head. Each time I listen, there is a different thought and action of grace and humility. Thank you for getting me “Back to the Middle”.
A forever fan!!!
I’ve always loved your music because in a world where everyone was conditioned to be the same you came along and told us it was not only okay but dope to be different. I’m old now (lol)and I have enjoyed listening to your music and this podcast confirms you’re as amazing as I always imagine you were! Keep being authentically you! Much love hunny.
Neva T
Dreams Come True
As a young adult, I finally had a shero to relate to that spoke to me. This podcast is like sitting on the sofa listening to someone that I admire.
Every episode heals, and makes me feel even more connected at a soul level
🖤🖤❤️ This podcast is the most special thing, besides your music and your mere existence, that you have shared with your soulbirds worldwide. I wait with baited breath for the next episode!! I am sooo glad I discovered it! Thank you so much India Arie for creating this platform for us to know more about the inspiration behind your music that heals- it gives it even more meaning and helps us soulbirds worldwide to connect even more deeply with you. I tell everyone that cares to listen about your podcast whenever I talk about you and your music. 😊 When I first listened to songversation in September last year, I fell even deeper in love with your music - I didn’t even know this was possible. Thank you for taking the time to share your journeys with us. 🙏🏾 Love always, Zawadi Nyong’o
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Peace and Love
I love listening to this podcast. I can’t wait to hear more. India has a gift. I love hearing her truth as it relates to her music. Missing you India!
Love you!
This has blessed my soul!! Thank you for being so different from Hollywood!!! Thank you for being you!!! Thank you for being free and comfortable !!! Thank you thank you thank you!!!
Honest and Raw
Well, it’s Indie Arie, so I knew it would be good and the podcast does not disappoint. Honest and raw stories offer an insider view into her inspirations for the music she creates. I’m going through withdrawal as I wait for new episodes.
This is my favorite podcast. When will you be doing a new songversation? In your last podcast you mentioned you just went through a breakup. I hope you are healing and taking care of yourself. Love and light.
victoria from portland
You’re a blessing
Thanks for this podcast- I love listening to your voice! Your words! Affirmations and love, compassionate presence and healing! I use many of your songs in my work to heal others suffering with the disease of addiction so thank you for your gift! I know you have saved lives!❤️💕
Thank you ♥️
I just want to say thank you for the ready for Love podcast. The way you look at life really reminds me of the way I look at life. Your music is very inspirational, soft , (just by me judging off of the genuineness of your lyrics) learned and strong. I appreciate your light and salt to this world and I thank the Lord for the truth you bring to it.
India - Thank you ! I am currently on The Daniel Fast and have been more intentional with making spiritual space ! Your podcast has helped with that . I am grateful to hear the story- within the story as you share the depth behind an already deep song ! What a powerful way to peel back layers to get to the inner-core of who you are ! I am encouraged to “ break the shell” and “ let love in” ❤️.
Ms. DiRenee
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