Something Along the Lines of That Podcast

Something Along the Lines of That

2 n' Blu Cru
Follow along as two guys talk about their time together and attempt to be funny
SATLOT 4: Memory Lane
Tim and Russell reminisce about the good times. 
May 25, 2020
31 min
SATLOT 3: Episode of Threes
Third time's the charm, right? ...Right?
May 14, 2020
32 min
SATLOT 2: It's not a Competition
Tim and Russell reminisce about the videos they had made together... and who spent more time working on them
May 1, 2020
32 min
SATLOT 1: We're Back
They are back, after 3 years of not really doing too much Tim and Russell attempt to talk about how interesting they think their lives are.
Apr 30, 2020
31 min