While we're all sick of the cliches around COVID-19--"the new normal," "unprecedented times"--most cliches hold some truth. We're experiencing something that we've never had to deal with before, and for that reason, we need to learn new coping mechanisms. Today I offer some strategies that I'm using to manage my anxiety around the fear of the unknown. I guarantee you will take away at least one good thing from this episode!
May 25, 2020
15 min

Randomly posting whenever you have the time or energy ain’t gonna cut it, sis. Let me help you define a bulletproof strategy that helps you organize your content AND serve your audience.
May 12, 2020
20 min

Is your target market anyone who will buy from you? Sis, you gotta listen to this episode. I share all the good stuff you need to know now: what you need to define, how to do it, and why it will save you money.
May 7, 2020
18 min

How do you know whether your actions will produce results? Just because you're busy doesn't mean you're getting stuff done! In this episode, I discuss the difference between activity and achievement, and how you can avoid continuing your inefficient habits.
Feb 24, 2020
14 min

This may sound “fluffy” or too emotive for a business podcast, however how you communicate with people can really make a difference for your business. For many types of businesses, there is a lot of competition and other people offering the same services; so what makes YOU different? It's how YOU interact with people! You are the face of your brand, so your communication with customers is a direct reflection of your brand. Doing this ONE thing in your communication can catapult your business and keep your customers coming back for more!
Feb 10, 2020
12 min

Tell me if any of these sound familiar…in order to be successful in this business, I must have a degree and at least 10 years of experience in it before anyone will take me seriously…either I post a perfectly curated picture with an engaging story for a caption EVERY DAY, or I don’t post at all…if I don’t have time for an intense, sweat-dripping workout, then there’s no point in exercising…I had a donut for breakfast, so I’ve already ruined a healthy day full of eating. I’ll just start my diet over again next Monday.
Do any of these sound familiar? If so, you might be subscribing to an all or nothing mentality. In this podcast, I talk about how to get around these harmful thoughts and how to rewire your thinking for productive actions towards your progress. Oh, and spoiler alert: I know these techniques work because all of those examples were things I used to tell myself!
Jan 15, 2020
10 min

By now, it's no secret that Instagram is getting rid of "like" counts. As with anything, there are pros and cons to this change. In this podcast, I share my views on the change, and--more importantly--what this means for your social media strategy.
Jan 7, 2020
12 min

I once had a mentor who brought to light the romanticized idea of “playing business” and how this is different than actually getting your hands dirty. We all too often fall into the 80/20 rule: 80% of our input (time, resources, effort) produces only 20% of our output, when in reality we should be focusing on the 20% that achieves 80% of our results. Just like money, time is a limited resource that must be balanced and allocated appropriately. By incorporating these time management strategies, you can maximize your resources and work more efficiently.
Let's connect on Instagram! @socialmediamompreneur
Jul 8, 2019
24 min

When it comes to selling on social media, there really is no “quick fix.” Selling a product or service online takes building trust and consistent branding—neither of which happen in a short period of time. And lets face it, no one wants to feel like they’re being sold to. In this podcast, I offer tips to selling on social media without sounding like a salesperson.
Let's connect on Instagram! @socialmediamompreneur
May 27, 2019
14 min

As small business owners, we never run out of things to do. We could always be doing MORE research, or producing MORE content, or generating MORE leads. But what should you actually prioritize? What is going to give you the greatest return on your efforts? In this podcast, I talk about the three things you should do that will grow your business exponentially.
Connect with me on Instagram! @socialmediamompreneur
May 20, 2019
11 min
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