SLO POD Podcast


SLOPOD is an entertaining, educational, inclusive podcast that promotes the San Luis Obispo community through interviews and conversation. Ultimately SLOPOD is meant to be a utility for this community. A way to keep people informed about local events, connect like-minded people, and educate the community about the dynamics that surround their daily life.
Episode 8. Jake Wynn, SLOPOD Updates, Becoming a Pilot, California Ablaze, Flying Cars
On this weeks episode we hang with our old friend Jake Wynn. Jake is a life long Slocal, recent Cal Poly Aerospace Engineering Grad, and 23 year old pilot! We hit all sorts of topics in this episode from past traveling experience's to current California events to Elon's future endeavor on Mars. We're back from a little hiatus. Welcome to Season 2. This is SLOPOD.
Aug 23, 2020
1 hr 12 min
Episode 7: Blake Bristol, High School Vape Circles, Smart Phone Addiction, & Online High School
On this weeks episode we talk with Blake Bristol. Blake is a life long educator who's passion for teaching teaching is undeniable. We talked about problems in the current High School environment, what it means to be a teacher and we answer the age old question of whether or not teachers actually read all the assignments students turn in. This is Blake Bristol. 
May 29, 2020
1 hr 35 min
Episode 6: Walter Lafky, The Future of Farm to Table, Supporting Local Agriculture, & Shaking Up the Grocery Store Market
On this weeks episode we talk with Walter Lafky. Walter is a brilliant young entrepreneur who's ideas and will power are enabling him to take on one of the boldest industries in the world, agriculture. His current venture has been the creation of Harvestly, Harvestly is a decentralized hyper-local network that connects farms and food producers straight to the consumer. In a break from traditional form farms can bring in close to 95% of their potential revenue from their products, rather than hassle with supply chains and distributors. Harvestly's goal is to build a more sustainable, healthy, and efficient agricultural economy, starting right here in San Luis Obispo. This is Walter Lafky.  
May 16, 2020
1 hr 6 min
Episode 5: Deep Mistry, Data Science, Missing Organs, Alexa is listening, & The Internet is Tracking You
On this weeks episode we speak with Deep Mistry, Deep is a SLO High alum who just graduated as a member of Cal Berkeley's first ever Data Science Major program. As a graduate in this concentration Deep is on the cutting edge of one of the fasted growing fields in the world and he gives us the inside scoop on how to keep your data safe, and all the exciting, and frankly frightening, new technologies developing in the world of big data. This is Deep Mistry.  
May 10, 2020
1 hr 28 min
SLO POD Episode 4: KJ, SLO a Yoga Meca?, Who is The Rooted Yogi, Social Media Branding Tips, & SOHUM Woman's Retreat
On this week’s episode we talk with life long entrepreneur and local yoga legend, KJ. Also known as the rooted yogi, KJ is a yoga enthusiast whose entrepreneurial genes brought her to San Luis Obispo where she has amassed a following of nearly 16,000. Today, she shares with us some tips to successfully build a personal brand and how to use the powers of social media to your advantage. She’s a natural born teacher and she utilizes those skills at spark yoga as one of their top instructors. As well as being a Lulu lemon ambassador she also leads woman’s retreats to help woman in the SLO community to empower themselves to the fullest. This is KJ.
Apr 30, 2020
1 hr 39 min
SLO POD Episode 3: James Boscaro, Goatmilk, PGA Tour, SLOHS Soccer, & West Coast Best Coast
On this week's episode we talk with James Boscaro. James is a local legend who has spent his time helping bring the youth in SLO to the next phase of their life.  He is also the current SLOHS boys soccer coach and we talk about his journey to San Luis Obispo, the intricacies of coaching, how the PGA tour helped him meet his wife, the pros and cons of Greek life and how its changing in our current world. This is James Boscaro. 
Apr 18, 2020
1 hr 21 min
SLO POD Episode 2: Hillary Trout, The Open Ocean, Defense Contracting, Fear, & The Slo Chamber of Commerce
On this weeks podcast we interview Hillary Trout. Hillary is a local business professional who is the current CFO of both iFixit and Dozuki, two booming San Luis Obispo startups. Hillary is also the President of the board of the San Luis Obispo Chamber of Commerce as well as the Treasurer of the French Hospital Foundation.  Today she talks with us about what it takes to survive in the SLO business environment and what it takes to run a company in the midst of an unprecedented global pandemic.  Hillary also keys us in on how to thrive in the business world and how a new outlook on fear can redefine your responses to your given situation. This is Hillary Trout. 
Apr 5, 2020
1 hr 35 min