Skin & Sass Podcast

Skin & Sass

Kelly George
The Podcast talking all this Skin, with a side of Sass Hosted by Kelly George and Andy Polson.
Episode 5: Injectables Then and Now with Leslie Fletcher
In this Episode Kelly and Andy chat to their first ever International Guest, all the way from the USA. Leslie Fletcher, a pioneer in the aesthetics industry, talks all things Branding, Body Dysmorphia, Ethics in Aesthetics and the new techniques she has invented along the way.  A great episode for those in the industry as well as consumers wanting to better know what to look for in a cosmetic clinic. 
Nov 24, 2020
51 min
Marketing NOT Science
With the Beauty Industry being worth more than $500 Billion USD, it's no surprise that everyone wants a piece of the pie! But what works and what's just crap (literally!)?
Nov 17, 2020
49 min
Holistic Skincare with The Functional Nurse
"You can put a bottle of dirt together and and call it natural organic!" ~ The Functional Nurse  In this Episode Kelly and Andy chat with Madilyn Wolens (AKA The Functional Nurse) on all things Holistic Skincare and Integrative Anti-Ageing.  For more information head to the Skin & Sass Instagram Page @skin.andsass
Nov 12, 2020
35 min
Skin & Sass Episode 2 Ageing and Injectables 101
In this Episode Andy asks Kelly all the questions you have always wanted to know. Kelly covers the basics of what's happening to your skin as you age and how injectables can help.⁣ ⁣ This Episode is perfect for those who want to know more, but aren't quite ready to step into a cosmetic clinic. Do your research from afar, with a credible source!⁣ In this episode Kelly explains: ~ The ageing process ~ The elements of ageing we can control and those which we cannot ~ The science behind sagging skin, in a fun, but somewhat depressing, analogy ~ How Anti-Wrinkle injections work (The "B" word) ~ Dermal Filler and the difference between rejuvenation and glamorisation ~ How to avoid going too far and looking older than your actual age ~ The difference between "feel good" and "active" skincare lots more
Nov 5, 2020
48 min
Skincare at Home: What Not to do
Episode 1: "Skincare at home - what not to do" covers all the things you should, and more importantly, SHOULDN'T, be doing to your skin behind closed doors.⁣  Featuring special guest, the gorgeous Bridget Savage from BASE Aesthetics in Perth.⁣ What is essential in terms of home care⁣? Are you over cleansing? What at-home devices do you need to THROW IN THE BIN? What's the GOLD standard in anti-ageing? ⁣Plus have a laugh with us as Kelly and Bridget share their thoughts on the rise of the "influencer" and we introduce the SASSY MINUTE!
Oct 29, 2020
38 min
Skin & Sass Trailer
Check out our short trailer to learn more about Skin & Sass and what's in store for listeners this season!!   Episode 1 out 30th October, 2020! 
Oct 20, 2020
2 min